Diagnosed with asthma yesterday!



I went to my doctor yesterday as I've had some breathing troubles for quite some time now.

He said I have asthma.

I was really shocked, because I didn't know adults could start with this.

He's given me a a brown inhaler and a blue inhaler and I have instructions as to what to do with them.

All a bit of a shock really - anyone else got this?
I don't personally but my daughter does. She is almost five. She has had it since she was 6 months old. Brown, not sure what inhaler that was is. I have orange, blue, purple and red for her. Anyhow just take it correctly and you'll be fine if your symptoms get worse make sure you make a log of it and ask for oral steriods/singular because it really keeps asthma under control. So far 2 months and she has had no attacks. Yippie for her! :)
My mother has had asthma since childhood. She has found that by changing her diet she had had a huge improvement. She used to use her inhaler almost everyday and now hasn't had to in almost 2 years. I don't know all the changes she has made but I do know that cutting out Diary products made a significat difference. I would do some research on the web about diet change. Hope that helps. I was lucky enough to grow out of mine. It was not fun.
My DHB has an asthma as well. He is using light blue and Advair. Those does help him. :) He got it at age 27...it was passed down in the family
Yea, u can get asthma as an adult especially if the adult grew up with allergies or played sports intensively.

I developed asthma while I was pregnant with my son..the drs said it was pregnancy induced asthma and that it would go away after the baby is born. He was right..since my son was born almost 2 years ago, no problems with breathing. I finally got to experience what it is like..wow..I sympathize with those who live with it all their lives. It is not fun and is scary!
Yea, u can get asthma as an adult especially if the adult grew up with allergies or played sports intensively.

I developed asthma while I was pregnant with my son..the drs said it was pregnancy induced asthma and that it would go away after the baby is born. He was right..since my son was born almost 2 years ago, no problems with breathing. I finally got to experience what it is like..wow..I sympathize with those who live with it all their lives. It is not fun and is scary!

Really? I hope that wouldn't happen to me but I have some allergies to plants and trees, also only treated by take allergey meds and only horrible in spring time.

One of my co-worker have asthma attack after worked in drug dept, it's really out of control for her.
My wife born asthma all her life... When her parents was heavy smokers that time when she was kid and those smokes makes her crying alot and her parents was forced to quit smoking for her sakes.... GOOD for them!!! And she is using Albuterol, USP inhalation aerosol few times when if the room is so thick and stuffing or warm/hot weather in the air makes her lungs are so tight and difficulity breathing. Once a while, she takes inhaler machine to breath right when it becomes so severe so she had to use it... She is allergic to dust, smokes, pollens, molds, mildews and cats/dogs with dirty furs (whenever they rolls on dirt - u know).
I had asthma since child then grew out of it when I was 13 years old.

Now I'm an adult, last year the asthma returned. It took a while to get it in control. It was shock at first when wasn't expecting for asthma to be back.

Tips for you, write down a logs what was happening when ya had a asthma attack and how many blue inhaler ya took. ie: very cold air at night trigger asthma took 2 puff of blue inhaler and add in time, date etc.

So you can show your doctor the logs of what is happening.
I've been looking on the internet for information like the British Lung Foundation. Seems alot more people have asthma these days with all the pollution. Traffic fumes and cigarette fumes is what seems to trigger me.
Sorry to know you have asthma..and hopefully you'll be able to handle it well without too much difficulties.

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I've had asthma in the past though I haven't any attack in years. I also have a long history of allergies.
I'm sorry to hear about your this. :hug: I havent got it although I did have really bad breathing problems once after a really awful domestic situation where this woman held a pillow over my face as she did not like me critizing the way she was treating her dog.

I wish you luck with this. I would also look into diet change if you can.
I'm sorry to hear about this. :( My nephew had asthma as a child, but was able to keep it under control with various inhalers. He also grew out of it by the time he was 13. I've never had asthma myself although I do have year-round allergies.