
Chris B

New Member
Mar 3, 2010
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Hello all. I'm a design student working on a project for deaf or hard of hearing people. The project is very open ended so we don't have to have a specific product in mind. I've done some research on current products available, but there doesn't seem to be anything too innovative.

So if it is ok I would like some feedback from the community about the types of situations deaf people run into that could be made easier with some new tech. So far my research has been focused around communication devices, but I was curious if there was perhaps a more pressing issue to be solved. I don't know anyone who is deaf so I hope this online community can help. I'm working on a questionairre right now so I can be more specific.

Thanks for your help and I hope you all can help me find a good direction to go on this product.
Ok, waiting to hear back on that via a questionnaire. Btw, welcome to Alldeaf!
Thanks for the welcome!

Ok my main questions are as such. I will probably have some more when I get some asnswers.

Is walking, biking or driving particularly hazardous for deaf people?

What is the biggest obstacle deaf people meet from day to day?

How do deaf people communicate with non-deaf people (who don't know sign language)?

What kind of products would you like to see, that don't exist?

Please be as extensive as possible with your answers. Any little detail could be important for my research. Thanks so much for your help and I'll try to make up some more comprehensive questions later. I don't have a solid idea of what I'm designing yet so it's kind of hard to ask specific questions lol.
Thanks for the welcome!

Ok my main questions are as such. I will probably have some more when I get some asnswers.

Is walking, biking or driving particularly hazardous for deaf people? driving - no problem, biking and walking are sometimes a bit of a problem when people get too close and I can't "sense" they are there.

What is the biggest obstacle deaf people meet from day to day? Communication (for me)

How do deaf people communicate with non-deaf people (who don't know sign language)? Pen and paper or I try to lipread (3 out of 10 words at best)

What kind of products would you like to see, that don't exist? I'm not knowledgeable enough to know. I just know that a lot of things I need, I either cannot afford or cannot use. Can't get a doorbell signaler or an alarm due to special circumstances involving my home.

Please be as extensive as possible with your answers. Any little detail could be important for my research. Thanks so much for your help and I'll try to make up some more comprehensive questions later. I don't have a solid idea of what I'm designing yet so it's kind of hard to ask specific questions lol.

Answered as best as I could. I have specific circumstances with old wiring in home and inability to get a doorbell signaler with the existing doorbell because it is MIL's home (mother-in-law) Money is a big problem and that hinders a lot.
Thanks for the welcome!

Ok my main questions are as such. I will probably have some more when I get some asnswers.

Is walking, biking or driving particularly hazardous for deaf people?

A: NO none of them, I been an professional bmxer racing when i was young. There's no hazardous.

What is the biggest obstacle deaf people meet from day to day?

A: Sometimes it would be communications issues.

How do deaf people communicate with non-deaf people (who don't know sign language)?

A: Write down the paper, body gestures, different ways u can figure out.

What kind of products would you like to see, that don't exist?

A: I have no idea right now.

Please be as extensive as possible with your answers. Any little detail could be important for my research. Thanks so much for your help and I'll try to make up some more comprehensive questions later. I don't have a solid idea of what I'm designing yet so it's kind of hard to ask specific questions lol

A: I has to be honest to you, First question is its kind of ridiculous, and its not even hard. Sorry dude...
