Debra Messing discussing baby sign language


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Sep 20, 2008
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[ame=]YouTube - Debra Messing and Ellen talk about Baby Sign Language[/ame]

:shock: I am having a good laugh at this! :lol: I know there are regional variencies and I know baby sign is a bit different but really? Teaching an adult to sign change for needing to go to the bathroom? :giggle:

When I think of an adult signing change in regards to the bathroom I think of them first saying: 'You scared the s**t out of me!, now need to go change.'

Anyone use this? Please correct me if I am wrong but I have never seen it used like this before!
Sorry I ment to paste this into my first post..

Ellen: Now your teaching your kid.. last time you were here you were teaching Roman? Is that his name?
Debra: Roman. (nodding)
Ellen: Great name. So your teaching Roman sign language? And what kind of sign language is he learning?
Debra: Oh he's...he's very communitive. Now he's very bosy with the music because he learned to say the sign for change if he needs a diaper change.
Ellen: How do you do that?
Debra: Which is this. (signing double fist 'change')
Ellen: This. (mimicing Debra's sign for change) For me in the future.
Debra: Yeah, for the future if you have to go to the bathroom and you don't want to say it verbally, tell somone in the back of the room..(waving, pretending to get attention of off stage person, signing change) know.
Ellen: That's what you do? (signing change repeatedly)
Debra: Yeah, I gotta go to the bathroom. He'll do that now if he doesn't like the music I have choosen.
Ellen: He does (signing change)?
Debra: I'll just put on some music and he'll just (sign change with sassy attitude)! And I'm like what? He's like (signing change with a sense of demand)!
Ellen: But could that mean change my diaper, too? Right?
Debra: (Shaking head negatively)
Ellen: No?
Debra: No.
Ellen: Well at 17 months would they be speaking yet?
Debra: Well he says momma and dadda, things like that.
Ellen: Right. (nodding)
Debra: But you know.
Ellen: Well he's gonna put it off as long as possible and just try to control you with sign language.
Debra: I think so. (nodding affirmatively)