
What's wrong with being weird? Happen you know some of the most eccentric people are often those that end up pushing us into the future? Nikola tesla was what you'd call 'very weird' and you'd think he was from a different planet, but he gave us Alternating current eletricity, radio, tesla coil and various other wonders and possibly succeded in creating the first perpetual motor by harnessing the earths magnetic field. They have a statue of him somewhere among other great people, but they leave it unlit as a sign of shame cause of the person he is, pretty sad ain't it? They have Edison's lit, but he tortured Elephants with teslas invention to show how dangerous it is, yet his is lit.

I'm not trying to say Empress is a genius or that you should like her, but I'm trying to say there's nothing wrong with being odd. It's just an unique trait that sets one appart from everyone else, she happens to have many of those. I hate it when everyone jumps on a bandwagon /bashing/ her. It's bad enough when we have people who are different from us I.E- hearing, tease and degrade us for lack of an ability, but when we quarrel amogst ourseves picking on others because of how they are- we're no better than them. I guess none of you will ever change your opinion about her- This probably won't get me very many friends but if -- excuse my arrogance, if you guys are going to bash her I'm going to defend her. I can't stand watching it. If it was any one of you who were getting bashed on for dumb reasons I would of had defended you all as well. Cheers.

Thank you, Dark-Half, in this society, We are either "NORMAL" or "WEIRD".

Everybody is SPECIAL or Unique IN THEIR OWN WAY.... We are all different.

Nobody is perfect. And you know what, I don't really care if people
don't like me or not... This is ME, this is who I am, I don't know
how to change that.
I don't know why Jim Carrey is so weird, I don't know why OJ Simpson
so weird, I don't know why Mariah Carey had a breakdown. I don't
know why Michael Jackson keep having nose job. I don't know why
Britney Spears married and then divorced and then married and then divorced.
I don't know why Elizabeth Taylor married 8 times.... I don't know why
we had Slaves long time ago. I don't know why White people took over
this land and killed most of the innocent Indians. I don't know why
the gas price gone back up again. I don't know why people do things that
are not NORMAL. I don't know why Kramer cussing and yelling and
say Racial Slur at the Comedy Club and cause people in the audience to
leave. I don't know why Eddie Murphy picked up a Tranvetite. I don't
know why Vanessa William lick a woman butt in porn magazine.
I don't know why Pee Wee Herman is back on tv.

But you know what, THAT IS LIFE!!!

Name one person you know that is soooooo PERFECT.
I plan on living forever... so far, so good ;)

If I HAD to choose a way (that wasn't natural) of dying I'd choose either drowning (I knew somebody who's friend drowned and was rescued by an EMT, and they said it felt just like falling asleep) or being hit with an atomic bomb (lol, you wouldn't feel a thing!). Obviously if I had to choose a natural way of dying I'd say anywhere as long as I wasn't in too much pain and I was with the girl I love.
I almost drowned several times, didn't need resurection though. But I'm pretty sure drowning is actually very painful for the first 30 seconds water enters your lungs, then you reach a point where you slowly lose control of your body due to lacking of oxygen to the brain. If anyone was wondering, the first time was in a pool and I was like 7 or 8, kept spinning in the water, before I knew it I forgot which way was up and which way was down and I panic'd, my aunt saved me. 2nd time I slipped off a small levy and got caught in the undertow, it wasn't that bad- My uncle saved me this time and finally the last time was floating down the river with my dad and his friend, again an undertow around a rock sucked me right underwater and I took a good bonk to the head, fortunately it didn't knock me out and the water was only, what... 4 feet deep.

Speaking of the sensation of drowning-- I once ran down a hill while playing tag as a kid, it was about a little more than a 45* angle slope, I tripped, flew through the air and WHAM chest first, face first right into the dusty ground. I couldn't breathe for a little around 10 seconds. Fractured my rib and it healed weird, when I suck my stomach in you can see it poking out... and the grand final of the near death experinces and how I became deaf-- misdiagnosis where inturn they said I had a fever/cold/flu but it was really meningitis. Put me in a 6 day coma.

I wonder if death is truely the begining or the ultimate end. Some religious folks would argue against me, then there's people who follow a different stance, and those who plain just think we'll go worm-food. I personally think one of the more comforting ones is the possiblity of resurection in a new body.

For anyone interested in that I'd suggest watching an episode of X-files called "The field where I died" it'll make ya wanna cry :P
I almost drowned several times, didn't need resurection though. But I'm pretty sure drowning is actually very painful for the first 30 seconds water enters your lungs, then you reach a point where you slowly lose control of your body due to lacking of oxygen to the brain. If anyone was wondering, the first time was in a pool and I was like 7 or 8, kept spinning in the water, before I knew it I forgot which way was up and which way was down and I panic'd, my aunt saved me. 2nd time I slipped off a small levy and got caught in the undertow, it wasn't that bad- My uncle saved me this time and finally the last time was floating down the river with my dad and his friend, again an undertow around a rock sucked me right underwater and I took a good bonk to the head, fortunately it didn't knock me out and the water was only, what... 4 feet deep.

Speaking of the sensation of drowning-- I once ran down a hill while playing tag as a kid, it was about a little more than a 45* angle slope, I tripped, flew through the air and WHAM chest first, face first right into the dusty ground. I couldn't breathe for a little around 10 seconds. Fractured my rib and it healed weird, when I suck my stomach in you can see it poking out... and the grand final of the near death experinces and how I became deaf-- misdiagnosis where inturn they said I had a fever/cold/flu but it was really meningitis. Put me in a 6 day coma.

I wonder if death is truely the begining or the ultimate end. Some religious folks would argue against me, then there's people who follow a different stance, and those who plain just think we'll go worm-food. I personally think one of the more comforting ones is the possiblity of resurection in a new body.

For anyone interested in that I'd suggest watching an episode of X-files called "The field where I died" it'll make ya wanna cry :P

When we were fetus and embryo... we breathe water... then
when the Water broke... I wonder if it was painful to us breathe air?
Interesting question actually. Some people believe we originally were amphibinous and came from the sea since in the womb we breathe ammniotic fluids. It could be possible, since when the baby comes out, it's first response is to cry.
I read something about last night, I was surprise by this...

This good looking guy killed himself because of his bad movie career.
This is so sad.

Tuesday, November 25, 2003 Posted: 8:56 AM EST (1356 GMT)

LOS ANGELES, California (AP) -- The death of 27-year-old actor Jonathan Brandis, who starred in two seasons of Steven Spielberg's "SeaQuest DSV," was a suicide, the county coroner's office said Monday.

Brandis, who died November 12, hanged himself, the coroner said.

Brandis started his career in commercials and on television, landing a recurring role on the soap "One Life to Live" at age 6. He also made guest appearances on "L.A. Law," "Who's the Boss?" and "Murder, She Wrote."

His film credits included the starring role in 1991's "The Neverending Story 2: The Next Chapter," the Rodney Dangerfield comedy "Ladybugs," and the martial arts comedy "Sidekicks" with Chuck Norris.

On November 12, 2003, Brandis died from injuries he suffered after hanging himself the previous day. He was 27 years old. According to his mother, he went out to dinner with friends, then they went back to his apartment at 650 S. Detroit Avenue. His friends reported that he seemed to be agitated and pacing around quite a bit. He left the room and, approximately 15 minutes later, one of his friends went looking for him and found him hanging by a nylon rope in the second floor hallway of his building. His friends cut him down and called paramedics. Despite efforts to revive him, he was later pronounced dead. The Los Angeles Police Department released a statement regarding his death:

On November 11, 2003, at about 11:40 p.m., a friend of Jonathan Brandis called police to report that the actor had attempted suicide at his apartment, located in the 600 block of Detroit Avenue. Paramedics from the Los Angeles Fire department [sic] responded and transported Brandis to Cedars Sinai Medical Center where he eventually died from his injuries. Brandis' death was announced by hospital staff on November 12, 2003, at about 2:45 p.m."

Jonathan apparently did not leave a note of any kind. According to his mother, he had no prior suicide attempts, drank socially, quit smoking over two years prior, and did not abuse drugs. There were no personal problems, except for the fact that he could be quite hard on himself. She has also questioned whether his use of the acne drug Accutane may be to blame, citing that one of the clinical side effects has been said to be psychosis and suicide. In a People magazine article, friends were quoted as saying he was lonely and depressed about his career lull. One friend said he knew Brandis drank heavily and had even told friends that he might kill himself. He was also said to be upset when his appearance in Hart's War, a role he hoped would be his comeback, was cut from the film.

I wanna live that long too, because I am curious what kind of
new technology they will have.
You right, guess what, just same what I said. Wow! It's very suprising you had
to said that same I said about that!
Thank you, Dark-Half, in this society, We are either "NORMAL" or "WEIRD".

Everybody is SPECIAL or Unique IN THEIR OWN WAY.... We are all different.

Nobody is perfect. And you know what, I don't really care if people
don't like me or not... This is ME, this is who I am, I don't know
how to change that.
I don't know why Jim Carrey is so weird, I don't know why OJ Simpson
so weird, I don't know why Mariah Carey had a breakdown. I don't
know why Michael Jackson keep having nose job. I don't know why
Britney Spears married and then divorced and then married and then divorced.
I don't know why Elizabeth Taylor married 8 times.... I don't know why
we had Slaves long time ago. I don't know why White people took over
this land and killed most of the innocent Indians. I don't know why
the gas price gone back up again. I don't know why people do things that
are not NORMAL. I don't know why Kramer cussing and yelling and
say Racial Slur at the Comedy Club and cause people in the audience to
leave. I don't know why Eddie Murphy picked up a Tranvetite. I don't
know why Vanessa William lick a woman butt in porn magazine.
I don't know why Pee Wee Herman is back on tv.

But you know what, THAT IS LIFE!!!

Name one person you know that is soooooo PERFECT.

Only Jesus was sin-less in his life before he crucified. He never took
a mistake ever in his life. I know in this Bible said or
something said that.
What's wrong with being weird? Happen you know some of the most eccentric people are often those that end up pushing us into the future? Nikola tesla was what you'd call 'very weird' and you'd think he was from a different planet, but he gave us Alternating current eletricity, radio, tesla coil and various other wonders and possibly succeded in creating the first perpetual motor by harnessing the earths magnetic field. They have a statue of him somewhere among other great people, but they leave it unlit as a sign of shame cause of the person he is, pretty sad ain't it? They have Edison's lit, but he tortured Elephants with teslas invention to show how dangerous it is, yet his is lit.

I'm not trying to say Empress is a genius or that you should like her, but I'm trying to say there's nothing wrong with being odd. It's just an unique trait that sets one appart from everyone else, she happens to have many of those. I hate it when everyone jumps on a bandwagon /bashing/ her. It's bad enough when we have people who are different from us I.E- hearing, tease and degrade us for lack of an ability, but when we quarrel amogst ourseves picking on others because of how they are- we're no better than them. I guess none of you will ever change your opinion about her- This probably won't get me very many friends but if -- excuse my arrogance, if you guys are going to bash her I'm going to defend her. I can't stand watching it. If it was any one of you who were getting bashed on for dumb reasons I would of had defended you all as well. Cheers.

I agree with u. I love her posts cuz I think she is a lot smarter than we give her credit for. Also I love people who are unique cuz what they have say fascinate me. :)
CCfan, you're right, Jesus was perfect.

Aw thank you Shel.

It may be subject to change
if this event may be changed or may be not.
I hope the Bible says that Jesus is perfect, but just possible was...
He was been not perfect? read about banned from the bible
Banned from the Bible - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That I already seen something on the TV on History Channel. I has been learned
something new: If any people who was in the hell, so God take them out
from into it to somewhere; and there is a rumor about
bad angels in somewhere, but it is not in heaven.

Who knows?? :dunno: Maybe a man did a wrong scripture?
Or its something his/her friend from a prophet as Jesus after
his death.
I don't care how I die, as long as it's not senseless. Even if it's slow and painful, as long as my life has had meaning, I'm satisfied. Dying with dignity is important to me, but I define dignity: "with purpose or positive effect on others". I don't define dignity to mean "without pain."

What if in my pain and suffering I'm able to relate to someone in a way I couldn't before? What if my suffering causes someone else to think differently about life, or love, or wealth, or human nature?

It's easy to say right now, in good health, that I would never take my life, but I really don't think I would. That seems like I would be changing the meaning of "dignity", and I don't like that idea.
When we were fetus and embryo... we breathe water... then
when the Water broke... I wonder if it was painful to us breathe air?

Actually, I think it's sort of inaccurate to say we "breathe" water in the womb. We do draw amniotic fluid into the lungs and expell it, but that's to stretch the lungs and get them ready for use in the air. We don't "breathe" it, because we don't draw anything valuable from the process (we don't turn water into oxygen like a fish). Instead, we get everything we need (oxygenated blood and food) from the umbilical cord and placenta.
I face death every day and I'm not afraid of it.

But life is grand!

Ain't afraid of Death at all.

I do believe Death is beginning of Journey (according to Buddhism).
My husband died within 50 minutes. We chatted that morning, I left the house at 5:50am. My husband passed away at 6:45am. It was really very quickly than I expected it. My understand that he has no suffer or pain. I feel that God took him away from us really quickly. I had not chance to hugging and kissing him. I have been down lately, miss him more and more everyday.

I can't wait to rejoin with him soon. I did not want to be alone forever until 80 yrs old!
Actually, I think it's sort of inaccurate to say we "breathe" water in the womb. We do draw amniotic fluid into the lungs and expell it, but that's to stretch the lungs and get them ready for use in the air. We don't "breathe" it, because we don't draw anything valuable from the process (we don't turn water into oxygen like a fish). Instead, we get everything we need (oxygenated blood and food) from the umbilical cord and placenta.

"The amnion grows and begins to fill, mainly with water, around two weeks after fertilisation. After a further 10 weeks the liquid contains proteins, carbohydrates, lipids and phospholipids, urea and electrolytes, all which aid in the growth of the fetus. Most of the amniotic fluid comes from the baby's urine. By the second trimester the fetus can breathe in the water, allowing normal growth and the development of lungs and the gastrointestinal tract."

Quoted from wikipedia. Amniotic sac - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
My husband died within 50 minutes. We chatted that morning, I left the house at 5:50am. My husband passed away at 6:45am. It was really very quickly than I expected it. My understand that he has no suffer or pain. I feel that God took him away from us really quickly. I had not chance to hugging and kissing him. I have been down lately, miss him more and more everyday.

I can't wait to rejoin with him soon. I did not want to be alone forever until 80 yrs old!

oh sorry to hear that, I bet he hugged you in spirit everyday.