"Dear Frankie"


New Member
Jun 7, 2005
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I rented this movie (DVD) couple days ago and watch it last night. It's worth to watch this movie. It's UK movie.
It about a deaf boy who is champion lip reader. He never see his father. So his mother told him that he is really busy and write letter to him. So the letter goes to the post office box and his mother pretend it was his father to write the letter back to him.
I am not going to explain more about this movie and you gotta find out. It a must see!!
Here is the link about the movie:


Enjoy! :mrgreen:
That is not a deaf kid but just a shy HH kid.

Dear Frankie

Trust me. It is not a great movie for deaf society. How does Frankie understand what people tell him? I bet he never dare to ask them to repeat what they said....

However, I may rent a Dear Frankie DVD since I love to see any foreign film.
mld4ds said:
That is not a deaf kid but just a shy HH kid.

Dear Frankie

Trust me. It is not a great movie for deaf society. How does Frankie understand what people tell him? I bet he never dare to ask them to repeat what they said....

However, I may rent a Dear Frankie DVD since I love to see any foreign film.

You mean shy hoh kid. No he is deaf and can lip reading. Just like me, I was raising lip reading and listen with or without hearing aids. I sometime asked them to repeat but most of the time I know what they are saying.
Of course the actor is hearing and he just act like deaf kid. It was great movie. :)
bluegecko474 said:
You mean shy hoh kid. No he is deaf and can lip reading. Just like me, I was raising lip reading and listen with or without hearing aids. I sometime asked them to repeat but most of the time I know what they are saying.
Of course the actor is hearing and he just act like deaf kid. It was great movie. :)

Well, bluegecko474,

Do you understand everyone with heavy accents? Why don't you go to any Chinese restaurent and see if you can understand them with English spoken-language?
mld4ds said:
Well, bluegecko474,

Do you understand everyone with heavy accents? Why don't you go to any Chinese restaurent and see if you can understand them with English spoken-language?

I am not talking about people with heavy accents. This movie was UK and some Scotland. They spoken in English. I don't have hard time to understand them.
I do have hard time to understand with heavy accents and I always ask them to repeat. I am not afraid to do that. Look at this link where they talking about heavy accents.


bluegecko474 said:
I am not talking about people with heavy accents. This movie was UK and some Scotland. They spoken in English. I don't have hard time to understand them.
I do have hard time to understand with heavy accents and I always ask them to repeat. I am not afraid to do that. Look at this link where they talking about heavy accents.


