Dear bbnt


King of all I see
Premium Member
Feb 28, 2003
Reaction score
ok this is going to be a little differant than the "ask me" threads

this is going to be like "dear Abbey"

So start all your questions off with "Dear bbnt"
Dear BBNT,

My father annoys me like hell. I tell him to back off, shut up, leave me alone, he still bothers me.. What can I do?


Originally posted by cloud
Dear BBNT,

Have you been :Owned: ??

Best regards,

yeah, your mom did that to me when I told her I wasn't your father
Originally posted by BostonIceFire
Dear BBNT,

My father annoys me like hell. I tell him to back off, shut up, leave me alone, he still bothers me.. What can I do?



you didn't give me much to go on. It would have helped if you told me what he is doing to annoy you???

I can tell you what I do with my folks thou. I live about 5 miles from them and I go over their home about 6 times a year. That means they can only annoy me in person 6 times a year.
Originally posted by wickedeyed
Dear bbnt.

What's the meaning of life?

A Lost Friend,

funny you should should ask. When I first joined alldeaf one of my first topics was "what is the meaning of life" The best answer came from Justin Sane. Here it is......


life means what?

Youre A siamese twin.

your brother, attached at your shoulder is gay.

You're not.

He has a date coming over today

You guys only have one asshole.

life sucks huh?

I think that about says it all
Originally posted by Stevey Boy
Dear BBnt,

Who am I?

Jackie Chan

your existence on this planet has no meaning therefore
you are nobody

Dear BBnt,

Do you believe in pyshic? To know what is going on in the future and knowing what happend is next?

Curious, Angelcat
Originally posted by Angelcat
Dear BBnt,

Do you believe in pyshic? To know what is going on in the future and knowing what happend is next?

Curious, Angelcat

no I don't , but I do predict you will have 12 children in your future
Dear BBnt:

What would happen if someone smoke up for 20 days straight?

Curiousity got to me...

Originally posted by BostonIceFire
Dear BBnt:

What would happen if someone smoke up for 20 days straight?

Curiousity got to me...


if it was a woman her breats would look like this
