dealing with depression, sadness, etc


Active Member
Oct 2, 2004
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considering its the holidays now... while it may be happy times for many of us, some of us do not have family or is going through very difficult times, or some sort of negative event. Knowing that fact makes me think of one thing... while depression, mad, sadness, mourning, etc is quite common around the year... holidays is always hardest time. How do you deal with yours if u had it happened to u during the holidays?

i remember when my mom died over 14 years ago and had my first christmas without her, i was numb. i just acted like a kid should for christmas but it wasnt same. i didnt smile much. i dont remember what else i did cuz it was so long time ago. over the years i had several good christmas and bad christmas... but nothing special. I am pretty sure i will remember this year for long time though.

So... how did you dealt with yours? if you dont want to expose any details about that specific year thats fine... im more interested on how YOU dealt with it than what happened anyway.

The holidays have always traditionally been very difficult for me. To get thru them, I throw myself into the kids; my niece and nephew. In essence, I fake it for them. In doing so, I find myself actually finding that I DID enjoy parts of the holiday season; even if most of it was sad, ect.
Christmas time is a time to be there for others. I do at times feel sad. But I do not fake the true happiness during Christmas. My true happiness is making sure my children are provided for and being around the ones that I can be around with during the holidays. Although I do miss some of my love ones during this time.. I just keep them in my mind and heart.

The most important thing is to think of all the positive things you have going on.