DeafNation Expo 2006


New Member
Dec 28, 2005
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I am new to learning ASL. I have just recently started my first instructor led class in ASL and had only 1 class so far (extremely NEW, hehe). My ability right now is limited to what I learned in class so far... finger spelling, a few choice words in regards to introducing and asking for names and such.

There is a DeafNation Expo that is going to be in my area very soon. Although I may not get anything from the speakers and seminars yet, I wonder if it would be worth my time to go for the entertainment aspect of the Expo. I do not have any friends/faimly/coworkers who know ASL, so I would most likely be going alone (unless someone from class decides to go with me of course).

Its about a 2 hour drive from where I live, and I would have to miss a day of ASL class to go see it.

Any thoughts on this? Thanks for any suggestions ahead of time.
Go to the Expo and be there an hour before they open the doors and don't be afraid to approach deafies and mingle. That one day, if you aren't shy, will be worth more than the entire length of your ASL class sked! :thumb:
G'day The9thPawn,
Welcome to AD. Good luck with learning ASL. You'll find it really enjoyable. And do go to the Expo, even if by yourself.
Cheers! :wave:
bbnt said:
you can only come if you look like your avatar
Oh yeah, that. OK... this would be an EXCELLENT time to mention the fact that I am a male in my mid-twenties who has an unhealthy fascination with Elisha Cuthbert. HAHAH.
:wave: :welcome: to AllDeaf The9thPawn. I hope you're enjoying your stay on AllDeaf, and making new friends. Good luck with your ASL classes. Yes, definitely go to the DeafNation Expo, you will learn a lot there, it will also give you the chance to share your experience with your fellow ASLer's. Good luck and welcome aboard AllDeaf.