
New Member
Apr 8, 2007
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I was just surfing around and stumbled upon this.

From what I can tell if you use this google search it'll search for things related to your search and "deaf". For example I did a search for iPhone and found links that have to do with iPhone and deaf.

I just found it so I'm not sure how good it is yet. But I'll test it out and thought I'd pass it along. I did a search here on AD and I didn't find it mentioned anywhere else yet.

Ron Jaxon
wow that is interesting new found pretty sound awesome
All it is that someone bought the domain name '' and placed a custom google search field that always adds '+deaf' to each google search, thus bringing up results that are geared towards deaf users or may show how it is related to the deaf world.

IE I searched discussion forums, was the top hit.
I also searched on diabetes, I received results from discussions about diabetes, as well as how diabetes can cause hearing loss on other sites.

to get the same results just add 'and deaf' or just 'deaf' to your usual google search. I don't think this will catch on, if it does, it will be slow.