Deafblind and Out of Time


New Member
Feb 25, 2009
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Wow! Good to see you around again, Gma.

This is a very uplifting story. Thank you so much for sharing the success of this student and his dedicated parents.
Gma, If I may, I think the struggle to get an intervenor has to two with two things. One is that its a very specialized posistion. Second of all, I have a feeling the school district prolly has the attitude " oh why should we spend all this money on one of THOSE kids?" Disabled kids with normal IQs get that attitude.
One thing you might want to look into is maybe suggesting moving to either one of the New England states or Pennsylvania, for when he gets a bit older.(like upper elementary or middle school)
He could go to Perkins which has an awesome Deaf Blind program (a lot of Charge kids) or Western PA School for Blind Children, which is a multihandicapped Blind School. Actually, the good news is that it does seem like a lot of blind schools could serve your son later on.