Deaf with cochlear implants....

Cloggy said:
I think that in the future, CI will be an additional category. Technique is improving so fast that the results diverge from HA-results very fast.

What are you afraid of...?

I am not afraid of is just I am tired of people like you preaching around about how wonderful a CI is. Why can't you accept us for who we are?
ButterflyGirl said:

I am not afraid of is just I am tired of people like you preaching around about how wonderful a CI is. Why can't you accept us for who we are?
I'm perfectly happy with people that want to be deaf.

I just wish that people that want to be deaf can be happy with people wanting their child to be able to hear, instead of judging them.

You see, respect is a two-way street.
Cloggy, do you realize that not everyone are able to receive a CI? Then people need to stop rubbing in their faces about how wonderful it is to hear!!!
ButterflyGirl said:
Cloggy, do you realize that not everyone are able to receive a CI?
Are you one of them? ... Care to share why?
ButterflyGirl said:
Then people need to stop rubbing in their faces about how wonderful it is to hear!!!
I'm sorry about the bad experiences you have had with people that have CI.

I realise that not everyone is a candidate (if that is what you mean). But not being a candidate doesn't mean you can't be happy for someone that is enjoying the CI. I agree that it's bad practice to keep showing it off.
Cloggy said:
Are you one of them? ... Care to share why? I'm sorry about the bad experiences you have had with people that have CI.
No I am not one of them. I was one of the candidates who was able to receive a CI but I chose not to have it.

I realise that not everyone is a candidate (if that is what you mean). But not being a candidate doesn't mean you can't be happy for someone that is enjoying the CI. I agree that it's bad practice to keep showing it off.
I did mention in my posts in the other thread that I am happy for those who are happy with their CIs but I just wish they would stop rubbing in deaf people's faces about how wonderful it is to hear.
CutePommie said:
I want to say thank you to Cheri,

I have a deaf son who is 13 years old now , when he was 13 months old the ENT specialists said that my son are on the borderline to have the C.I . and I said to the ENT specialists No thanks because I want my son to make his own decision when he get older. So he can hear good with hearing aids, and recently I talked to my deaf son about this ENT that said he is on the borderline for get the C.I . Know what his response to me ... * THANKS GOD that you didn't get me this C.I*. And said this hearing aids is good enough for him to use and can hear but not clearly . but does can hear when his name being calling by me or families even friends too ... etc..... so on ..... :scatter:

One of my decesed service user at work . he had the C.I user for 20 years . I asked him can he hear clearly with this C.I he said no just make funny background noises he can't not to catch it and said too many noises he can not to make it out what it is and he said it all waste of time, so he sometime had to used it for reason when he is alone at home so he said can sometime to picked up any noises....

So Cloggy please try to accept it what your daughter have .. it is nothing to be shame of. I always say that I am DEAF when people try talk to me like in the food stores . E.G:- when I was just check or look at the foods from the shelves .. then it turned around realised that the person been tried talk to me ... and I told this person sorry I am Deaf . then this person said Oh I am sorry .. then I used lipreading to this person Can I help ? , this person started talked slowly asked me how much is this please because I had left my reading glasses at home. then I check and used my finger to writing the amount of this item. and this person thank me very much for it .... I just felt so proud what I did ... that showing the hearing world that the Deaf People can do it of any help .. yet knowing some hearing people often walk away after I said that I am Deaf. I just went 'huh' oh well .. ( sniff my armpits or check see I have got 2 heads on my shoulders LOL )

But it would be the different story if any person who were born hearing then became deaf in earlier or later life , when they get the C.I they will know what it like to be hearing ... because they can to remember what the noises or music like ... that fine and but for me no thanks as I was born deaf SO BE IT!

That is all i could say ... :)

First of all CI 20 years ago is dinosaur age.. Yes CI back then are NOT as effective as they are now.. So it is probably TRUE. Just like they say the Freedom is the FIRST real CI that gives you true sounds as they sound. Which is what I have. And secondly Cloggy has indicated he accepts his daughter as being deaf - but with the ability to HEAR. And honestly - seriously being a hearing aid user and a CI user (myself) what do you guys see differently? When people have a hearing aid - their hearing gets worse they go and get a stronger hearing aid, and if it gets worse then they get a stronger hearing aid, and when no hearin gaid helps then they get a CI. And as for your son not getting a CI that is a choice and that is fine. I do expect CI in about 20 years from now to be even better than the one we have today! Technology improves, but we as the deaf community need to also accept and adapt to change and be grateful for the technology that has been provided. With this technology it opens up alot more doors than anyone can realize. We don't have to let the CI destroy our culture - it will ONLY destroy it if we let it.
CutePommie said:

Cheri I am sorry for this ..

I'ms Sorry Cute - but Cloggy is right -

You can't compare a deaf child with a deaf family to a deaf child with a hearing family. 2 different cultures - 2 different environments.

And no point of feeling sorry for his daughter - he is raising that child the best way he feels is best, just like you are raising your child the best way you see fit.

And a CI 20 years ago is garbage compared to CI now.
Cloggy said:
I'm perfectly happy with people that want to be deaf.

I just wish that people that want to be deaf can be happy with people wanting their child to be able to hear, instead of judging them.

You see, respect is a two-way street.

Honestly I see it coming from BOTH ways, there are some CI users judge those who are deaf, there are deaf people judge those who are CI users...

I don't think there will ever be any respect coming from two sides, it's been like that for many years....

I believe within my heart that every parents out there has that right to make their own decisions whether they want to implant their children with CI or just wear hearing aids without anyone telling them that they're wrong for wanted their child to hear just the same way as we don't want others telling us it's wrong for wanted a child to remain deaf...No parents is wrong for choosing what would be best for their own children....
Cloggy said:
I'm sorry about the bad experiences you have had with people that have CI.

I realise that not everyone is a candidate (if that is what you mean). But not being a candidate doesn't mean you can't be happy for someone that is enjoying the CI. I agree that it's bad practice to keep showing it off.

You're sorry?? Even through you don't have a CI, but you sure do rub it in our faces when it comes to CI, Matter of fact, you've been comparing hearing vs deaf, Don't forget about your thread that you created "If you had a child today, Would you want it to be deaf". You have no idea how insulting that question is to the deaf.

You're correct, Respect is two way street. ;)
DefLord said:
I'ms Sorry Cute - but Cloggy is right -

You can't compare a deaf child with a deaf family to a deaf child with a hearing family. 2 different cultures - 2 different environments.

And no point of feeling sorry for his daughter - he is raising that child the best way he feels is best, just like you are raising your child the best way you see fit.

And a CI 20 years ago is garbage compared to CI now.

Excuse me !! I does have 3 kids 2 of them are hearing and I come from hearing family , the 2 youngers kids of 13 who is deaf and his sister 10 is hearing their's dad is hearing . the first kid is hearing his dad is deaf .. so tell me what different ?

I live in both deaf and hearing world .. I was only say it .. no need for Cloggy to insulted me that asking I typed the 20 years old computer sheesh !!! that is why it does make me so angry .....
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CutePommie said:
..... no need for Cloggy to insulted me that asking I typed the 20 years old computer sheesh !!! that is why it does make me so angry .....
Amazing how you can be insulted by my remark.
I'll expand on it.... Imagine the computer you used for the first time..... Now, try to put Windows XP on it.... That's like CI as well.
Cheri said:
I accept all opinions rather it's alit off topic or not. It's not your place to hog my thread and decide when something is off-topic. Since when do anyone ever stick with the point of the topic? Nobody barely does anyways. :) Go ahead TrippLA, Please continue. ;)
Geeze Cheri, Lighten up. I said I'm Thinking this is off topic which means I am not sure so I did NOT decide it was off topic. I am not hogging your thread either but meerly responding to posts here. That is what we are suppose to do, isn't it? I honestly felt I was being objective and offered a constructive solution. I am truly interested in why some in the deaf community feel that the CI will destroy their culture.
Cheri said:
Remember everyone has their right to have an opinion, I want members those who are non-CIers to freely post in my thread without being criticize.
So I guess this applies to everyone except me. I seem to offend you alot and for that I am sorry. I don't mean it that way. I respect your thread and your opinoin. If you want me to not post to your threads just say so and I will stop.
Cloggy said:
Amazing how you can be insulted by my remark.
I'll expand on it.... Imagine the computer you used for the first time..... Now, try to put Windows XP on it.... That's like CI as well.

Huh ... my computer does have the Windows XP .... I damn does to understand what does you mean .. damn it i was only to say it that is all I know. Can't you just try to understand what I am try to say ... but you seem not to want to know all you want that everyone to listen you and only you ...
rockdrummer said:
Geeze Cheri, Lighten up. I said I'm Thinking this is off topic which means I am not sure so I did NOT decide it was off topic. I am not hogging your thread either but meerly responding to posts here. That is what we are suppose to do, isn't it? I honestly felt I was being objective and offered a constructive solution. I am truly interested in why some in the deaf community feel that the CI will destroy their culture.

Did you see me getting upset? I was only pointing out something to you. ;)

So I guess this applies to everyone except me. I seem to offend you alot and for that I am sorry. I don't mean it that way. I respect your thread and your opinoin. If you want me to not post to your threads just say so and I will stop.

Hey, You did not offended me, and I am welcome your opinion as well, I'm not kicking anyone out of my thread. Don't be silly. Come here, Let me give you a hug! :hug:
CutePommie said:
Huh ... my computer does have the Windows XP .... I damn does to understand what does you mean .. damn it i was only to say it that is all I know. Can't you just try to understand what I am try to say ... but you seem not to want to know all you want that everyone to listen you and only you ...

Cloggy trying to say that from all the information/facts about cochlear implants that were discuss back in the old days, has changed, and more people are aware of what cochlear implants can do for children and adults who are deaf and hard of hearing...

CutePommie said:
Huh ... my computer does have the Windows XP .... I damn does to understand what does you mean .. damn it i was only to say it that is all I know. Can't you just try to understand what I am try to say ... but you seem not to want to know all you want that everyone to listen you and only you ...
I guess I'm the only one that's confused here...
Do you realise that 20year old computer is nothing compared to today's computer???
Cloggy said:
Amazing how you can be insulted by my remark.
I'll expand on it.... Imagine the computer you used for the first time..... Now, try to put Windows XP on it.... That's like CI as well.

If you could kindly explain a bit more clearly on what you were trying to come across then maybe she would not feel insulted by your remarkable, just a suggestion ;)
Cloggy said:
Perhaps it is because some deaf people rubbing in hearing people's faces about how wonderful it is to be deaf.

I've seen your posting.. you kept rubbing Deaf peoples' nose..
You think I'm always right.. They are wrong..

Don't you get anyone wrong.. YOu have to accept their feelings but seems you don't accept their feelings.. I'm getting know more 'bout you so far..

You kept contuine rub them off...
I ain't let you rub them or their feelings..

I have one of my friend who have ci.. and realized isn't work as well and kept trying to understand background but isn't work picked up what sound alike and specific wording.... SAD...
CI is works for everyone yes but not 100% sound effient.. Get it..

As for your daughter will grown up and become adapt hate you what you done to her and want her grow up become strong Deaf Culture.. who knows..

Don't dare you step mine... "Open their feelings or understanding feedback"..
Thank you..
Stay out of it!

And also other thing..

Fine by me then your choice stick w/ci.. ain't mybusiness.. as long you have to respect two world ways...



that is it... No need cross border.. their decision pick what their idenfity who really person!
DefLord said:
Technology improves, but we as the deaf community need to also accept and adapt to change and be grateful for the technology that has been provided. With this technology it opens up alot more doors than anyone can realize. We don't have to let the CI destroy our culture - it will ONLY destroy it if we let it.
:gpost: Who would've thunk 'Moore's Law' would also hold true for the CI technology? :) I'd just wish the same rationale holds 'parallel' for ASL. As it stands, the more CI recipients are successful, and at more earlier ages, the less they are apt to pick up on ASL. In fact, thanks to a vast majority of professionals working with CI deaf children, ASL is discouraged.
rockdrummer said:
I am truly interested in why some in the deaf community feel that the CI will destroy their culture.So I guess this applies to everyone except me.

I find that interesting too, and wanted to hear more about it and why some deaf people feel that way so I created a new thread about it, Thanks to you :hug: