Deaf Stores and communities


New Member
Oct 25, 2009
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I am still adjusting to my status of HoH, and am wondering if what I see with other groups carries over to the Deaf community.
This is mostly towards those that use ASL.. (not to leave orals out, you can answer too)..

Do you find yourself preferring stores or shops that have one or more employees’ that use ASL?

Will you drive out of your way to shop at places that the customers, for the most part, are all signing?

When looking where to buy a house, does the number of other signer’s in the neighborhood play a part in it, or the distance to a school for the D/deaf?

Does your town have a centralized area where the majority of the stores/restaurants/venues are all targeted or based on sign? (Think “little China” or “little Mexico”)

I know this may sound silly, but as someone that is struggling to find others of the Deaf community in my own town, I was wondering if others have wondered about some of these..
I am still adjusting to my status of HoH, and am wondering if what I see with other groups carries over to the Deaf community.
This is mostly towards those that use ASL.. (not to leave orals out, you can answer too)..

Do you find yourself preferring stores or shops that have one or more employees’ that use ASL?

Will you drive out of your way to shop at places that the customers, for the most part, are all signing?

When looking where to buy a house, does the number of other signer’s in the neighborhood play a part in it, or the distance to a school for the D/deaf?

Does your town have a centralized area where the majority of the stores/restaurants/venues are all targeted or based on sign? (Think “little China” or “little Mexico”)

I know this may sound silly, but as someone that is struggling to find others of the Deaf community in my own town, I was wondering if others have wondered about some of these..

The answer in general to all these questions is: YES.

I also support local businesses. When I lived in Nebraska I showed a friend that I really support local businesses and such. They had not heard of the concept - I showed them my kitchen full of Colorado products.

I support businesses that has employees that uses ASL, knows ASL, etc. It's my perspective that THEY will hire Deaf people if the situation allows, and THEY will not have issues with the Deaf.

It's one of the reasons I love Boulder so much - 90% of the businesses here is Deaf/Disabled friendly.

*Best Handicapped access town in the Nation.*
I live is a very large town and so far I haven't found one place except my MIL's bank or my bank where anyone knows or is willing to use ASL. Maybe I need to stop being verbal and see what they do.:hmm:
Yes to all Fx. Just like anyone else, we like when folks work for our money. lol
Yes...that's one of the reasons why I stayed in MD instead of returning to Phx when I completed my Master's. I love the Deaf community here.