Deaf sign?


New Member
Dec 26, 2007
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:Di work in customer service. deal with hearing people ALL day long.
they do not always know i am Deaf. would you place a 'sign' that states you are Deaf to let hearing customer know?
just curious.
I saw a guy who did that, and eventually I may have been the only customer to get in his line.

Then he just sort of faded away......
Perhaps (if you are), simply a sign indicating that you're fluent in ASL?

If anyone else with any more experience than me indicates this is a bad idea, please ignore it - just my first thought on the subject.
My guess is that you lip-read?....fluently?...or ur boss would have not put you in that position to deal with hearing customers?....

As for the "sign", no, I would hearies tend to "talk over each other" at times. So ur deafness or ur being HOH is somewhat of an advantage here....One customer at a time....and the complaints they make, plus the profane language when they get angry!

Sounds like a frustrating job dealing with hearies in customer service since you are deaf....or ur HOH? and can "hear" customers talking and asking questions, argueing, etc.?

Not much info. here to make a judgment, tho'.
Sounds like a frustrating job dealing with hearies in customer service since you are deaf....or ur HOH? and can "hear" customers talking and asking questions, argueing, etc.?
Sounds like a frustrating job period! Listening to people complain all day doesn't sounds like a enjoyable job to me xD

To answer your question though, I would say that you should not. Although I would be a hearing person that would choose your line on purpose to practice my ASL skills, I think that most would avoid it. Hearing people are not very informed about the deaf and may avoid your line just because of that. I'm sure that you would have some customers, just not as many as if you didn't have the sign at all.

Unless you want the sign TO fend off the arrogant hearing people, then thats a different story xD.