Deaf player mocked, kicked out of Warcraft guild -- for being deaf


New Member
Nov 9, 2007
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Hello, everyone! I don't visit here often and have barely, if ever posted, but I thought this was worth sharing. I'll let it stand by itself and my comments in the comments (I'm Buran there as well) introduce this one for me.

To say that I'm angry is ... quite an understatement. And that's not even counting the person on page 6 who claimed that deafness isn't a disability.

Drama Mamas: Raiding deaf

(Short version: MMO player admits to fellow players that he/she is deaf, and is removed from his/her gaming group for the trouble and then publicly mocked by former group members. This person is good at his/her role, which includes a lot of responsibility for other group members, and was getting by just fine, too).
I always wanted to hear about someone who raided deaf. Although not being able to hear vent, I almost think that they would fare better because I personally find vent very distracting. That sounds like a horrible guild, but I cannot say that this is uncommon. People like to pick on other people for any reason they can think of, in this case being deaf.
I played world of warcraft, I don't do raiding no more and now I'm onto PvP.

This is my toons down below
Rysdan(H. hunter)- Darkspear US server
Raikon(A. hunter)- Kael'thas US server
{Retired}Raikon(H. Paladin) / Goboraik(H. hunter)- Hydraxis US server
I never played WoW but I can still relate to this person - I do play other MMORPGs, and I do participate in activities with other people in "clans." What happened to that deaf player is one of the many reasons why I simply do not reveal my hearing loss to other people in games online unless I feel I can trust them. Which makes up a very few. I get enough of the mocking judgement crap IRL; I see no reason why I should have to experience it online. Instead, I'd rather be given an opportunity to prove that I can still do something just as well as anyone else, and that most of the time, having Teamspeak or Vent is not necessary at all.
Reading how this deaf person's was treated by his guild on WoW got me angry :rl:

I was pleased that most of the hearing players who commented also got angry about his treatment, though there were a few insensitive comments.
Buran, feel free to post here any time.

I'm sorry that you had to experience such negative drama. That's really disgusting how so-called friends turned on you.

I hope you find a group of players that will be more reasonable. :)
Well, I don't play MMORPGS or anything like it these days. The closest thing I came to was the original Starcraft which was a pretty long time ago. However, I can relate to what happened to you. I often came across very crassy and rude players.
I play a game named ShotOnline, which is a golfing mmorpg. I vent about my Deaf issues there at times, they go "omg" "never thought about things like that before"

It's cool.

Unfortunate for this guy though :(
Not surprised. I used to be PC Gamer, I got banned from #1 clan in Counter Strike after several months of playing, they bugged me to get a headset with microphone, which I never did. One day I told clan leader that I'm deaf, and he asked me how can I find enemies if I can't hear? I got banned from their gaming servers because he think I cheat. :lol:
Form a Deaf guild and kick their ass!

My kid likes to play randomly because he earns more points that way. He must know what he's doing because he's always beating the newest level.