deaf newb


New Member
Feb 11, 2012
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Hiya all, great community here. Been reading through the various posts, a lot of friendly/helpful people it seems!

About me, I'm 28 year male in Canada. I had some hearing issues starting at the age of 17 when it was found I had about 35% hearing loss in both ears. I started wearing HA's from that point on, starting with some CIC's moving onto the Agil BTE's.

Last summer I suffered bi-lateral SSHL, woke up one day, deaf and just couldn't hear a thing. Figured the ears were clogged, but the silence remained.

I'll be getting a Cochlear implant in April, the AB Neptune. Even though I've read tons and tons of info on it and people's experience with a CI I still don't know what quite to expect, I'm a bit nervous but also excited.

Getting used to being completely deaf has been a challenge, I do isolate myself a bit more and want to improve on that. Coming onto sites like this where people can relate and learn and help one another is really great and I'm looking forward to being a part of it.

Wow, that must have been really hard...I can't even imagine. Keep us updated on your journey with CI! It's always interesting to hear what happens with that. I personally knew 2 women who had gotten it a few years ago and it worked out nicely for them. One was latened-deafened, the other born deaf.

Welcome to alldeaf, hope to see you around :)