Deaf in Europe (Four countries)


New Member
Oct 6, 2003
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Hey, I am just asking around to see if anybody here know a Deaf club or get-together/gatherting in the following countries/cities:

*Barcelona, Spain (We are already told about four Deaf clubs so if you know address of those clubs or email of a local Deaf we can get in touch, we will appreciate it)

*Nice, Paris, or anywhere around either cities, France

*Vienna, Pisa, Rome, or Florence, Italy (we are planning to meet up Deaf friends but still we aren't sure which city our friends live in! oops... so we are open to any of those cities' Deaf clubs as back-up plans)

*Frankfurt and Munich, Germany

Or if you will be in any of those cities between December 14 to Janurary 10th, we will be glad to meet you! (We: my Deaf husband and I).

(DO NOT POST SAYING: "no Sorry I've never been to those cities." or "I don't know, sorry". Don't waste my time. THANK YOU!)