Deaf - Hearing relationship advice


New Member
Jul 5, 2014
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I'm new to this.... Thing, and I recently got involved with this guy who is profoundly deaf. He's 22 while I'm 18 (will become 19 in August, he 23 this month). I've grown extremely fond of him and I want to spend all the time with him. He is the first guy I truly like more than my chronic obsession with horror movies (I know I'm weird #whateva) and he makes me feel like everything is going to be ok and even better we share the movie obsession! Now let me introduce the bad part... He has been ignoring me for quite a while and I finally found out why he was doing what he was doing. His ex was just like me... perfect hearing and something really bad apparently happened I didn't want to ask because I felt it to be too personal ( his friend who also happens to be his interpreter and I talked and he told me this). The guy I'm dating is scared to start a relationship with me because I have perfect hearing and so did his ex and that didn't turn out so well. I know I should respect his wish but I can't take another day without him. About three days ago he contacted me asking how I was and then he had his interpreter call me to make our conversation more easier for me he said that he was ashamed for ignoring me and if I never wanted to see him again then he would respect my decision. That's just not the case with me, I want to be with him so bad I just want us to be together forever (GAYYYYYYYYY!! Meme) I like him so freaking much and I know it would be hard knowing it would be a deaf - hearing relationship but I don't care, I miss holding him and kissing him and just being next to him makes me feel as if my whole world is complete. He doesn't want me to get hurt or vice versa. Any advice or opinions. Feel free to speak freely. I need him to know that I would never do anything to hurt him. I know I can't predict the future but I can watch my actions.