Deaf Group Lottery


Staff Member
Feb 27, 2003
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Any of you guys playing group lottery with your co-workers, family members and/or friends? I rarely play the lottery, unless there's a huge jackpot taken place which is hard to ignore, but just the other day I heard that a group of deaf employees won the lottery not long ago. I think 4 out of 5 deaf employees left their job with their money, but only one determined to continue working. I would probably do the same.

Please share some of your "deaf" lottery stories that you know of. And tell us what you would do if you ever won millions of dollars. :mrgreen:
I did with my co-workers (13 of us) been tried to win lottery few times. We did not win any of it yet. We try make lottery to be about 25 million then can spit to 13 of us. It seems kewl!! Two of us are deaf and all of rest are hearing. :)
Yes, we played the lottery with daily number with 20 Deaf people. I won 1,500 dollars a day before December 24th. I bought a nice gifts for my kids. I was in shelter because I was homeless. Whoa ! God bless us !

20 Deaf people were so thrilled for me and my kids. They took a pictures of us. I forgot all about the picture. I will look for it somewhere in the boxes.

It was a good memorize when we won the lottery in Deaf group.
Sabrina, that's wonderful Glad you won it !!
God Bless you !

I tend to buy lottery when it's higher than normal
because i'm un-employed (lay-off) so i have to
be very careful about spending ... i recall one deaf guy
who won a few million dollars lottery in Florida and
he got disgusted with many people asking him
for money he learned alot about who is his "real friend" etc
so he withdrew from deaf social

Yeah, anyone can become homeless
i just read an article about a couple
who are still working earning living still
became homeless anyway due to the cost of living !!

P.S. if i win a lottery depends on how much i would
buy at least 2 homes,
one in Michigan with a few snowmobiles,
and one in Florida with a few waverunners, including
both with private airports so that way i do NOT have to
go to the public airport and also donate to church
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How would this group lottery work? Is it when each person chips in money and only one ticket is purchased. Or, is it when a bunch of tickets is bought but the winning ticket is split among everyone?

I'm not quite comfortable with this idea. With the kind of lawsuits we've got going around these days, it's hard to know who's really your friends since some of them could turn on you and you've got a lawsuit on your hands. I prefer to let fate decide my winnings.
I have done it with a Group of Co. Workers at my Old Job.. but They weren't deaf... We decide the numbers and spilt up the money.. Then the Next Time I saw them Some of them Quit and I asked this other person who was involved with the Lottery Team.. She told me She did not know if we have won or not.. cuz all sudden they quit after a week later.. I think we did really Won but Decide not to spilt with us two.. I was pissed Off.. Never again will do it.:nono:
Yes, I've done a group lottery with my co-workers before...but never won far as I know...but, haven't done it lately...
when the powerball reaches $100 million or more.. group of 5 of us co-workers tend to buy $100 worth of lottery every week $20 per person. so we have 100 different numbers... so far we havn't win yet.

if the winning number is drawn.. we spilt.. sometimes we win $5 for one number picked so it's $1 per person.. anyhow.. if we win the jackpot of more than $100 million it's more worth it.. $20 million each.
DeafSCUBA98 said:
when the powerball reaches $100 million or more.. group of 5 of us co-workers tend to buy $100 worth of lottery every week $20 per person. so we have 100 different numbers... so far we havn't win yet.

if the winning number is drawn.. we spilt.. sometimes we win $5 for one number picked so it's $1 per person.. anyhow.. if we win the jackpot of more than $100 million it's more worth it.. $20 million each.

Good Luck!!

I've done something similiar in the past with other co-workers, but now I'll stick to buying my own lottery tickets after seeing several cases where mayhem and chaos echoed loudly...such as when several co-workers would turn against fellow workers, friends, etc...resulting usually with frivous lawsuits and lost friendship and trust...heck, I'd much rather 'win' it, THEN be gracious about sharing and giving a bit of the loot with others!! ;)
VamPyroX said:
How would this group lottery work? Is it when each person chips in money and only one ticket is purchased. Or, is it when a bunch of tickets is bought but the winning ticket is split among everyone?

I'm not quite comfortable with this idea. With the kind of lawsuits we've got going around these days, it's hard to know who's really your friends since some of them could turn on you and you've got a lawsuit on your hands. I prefer to let fate decide my winnings.

Yes you chipped twenty dollars every month. From February 1st to 29th. All of us, approx 20 people (I think approximately 20 ppl). We keep our eyes on daily lottery number to pick your favorite number. My favorite number is 0332 if it is number 0231 I got 0 and 3 like a race to reach the end of number in column. That is how, I won.

I played with Deaf people group about15 years ago. I do not know if they do still play or not. We have no problem each other. We made a copy of that sheet each of us. We keep our eyes on daily lottery number. That group people are very honest. When you received the cash money to sign the white and black sheet to prove that you got that money with four people witness.

That night, we were fooling around because a guy John who is married. He loves to flirt ladies. He grabbed the cash from my hand because :cuddle: I hugged and kissed him. Hugged worth 200 dollars per minutes, etc.. blah blah.. He was so hilarious man ! His wife and other people were laughed so hard on us with video camera. Jeeze ! I was too blushing. They were so thrilled when I won the lottery. We had a small party together.

It was a good memorize !!
Alex said:
Any of you guys playing group lottery with your co-workers, family members and/or friends? I rarely play the lottery, unless there's a huge jackpot taken place which is hard to ignore, but just the other day I heard that a group of deaf employees won the lottery not long ago. I think 4 out of 5 deaf employees left their job with their money, but only one determined to continue working. I would probably do the same.

Please share some of your "deaf" lottery stories that you know of. And tell us what you would do if you ever won millions of dollars. :mrgreen:

I've won 25 bucks once when I told an ex I would win. I swear!

I play the norwegian lotto sometimes. I've even tried using my intuition picking lottery number. I've won 400 bucks out of that, and about 5,000 bucks from last year. If I had gotten one more number correct, I'd win $100,000 (1 million kroner). Damn! True story! Hmm.. I better start using my intuition again this year. Heh! My husband and I buy probably about 10 lotto tickets and he uses pure logic and math to pick numbers, and I use my feelings.. funny eh? Who won, baby?? :twisted:

SO, guys, use your intuition.. couldnt hurt!