"Deaf" From the Neck Down


New Member
Dec 4, 2012
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One of my ASL instructors once said that hearing people are "deaf" from the neck down. What did she mean by that?
Your teacher is probably talking about using sign and using the body to communicate. In what context was the statement given?
Sounds like hearing people does not communicate from the neck down. It doesn't make sense... We all are deaf from the neck down because we didn't "hear" anything from our bodies. Hearing people will hear from ears and deaf people will hear from eyes.
maybe by "deaf" she means hearing people are able to understand very little about what is being communicated from the neck down, much like how deaf people may not be able to understand much about what was communicated from the neck up.

tl:dr; deaf needs to see neck down to communicate, hearing needs to hear neck up to communicate.

but actually, what about sign that are above the neck, like mother, father, president, understand, know, wake-up, deaf, home, sleepy, black, silly, flower.. etc?
it means you have the signs right and the body expressions....but you not have the face expression to match hour body sign. your face look like hearing person-dead....non expression. boring, dull, but your body full animated like deaf.

Posted from Alldeaf.com App for Android