Deaf Driver Communication Visor Card


If You Know What I Mean
Premium Member
Apr 27, 2007
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The Rochester Police Department is proud to announce the Deaf Driver Communication Visor Card Program.

The Rochester area is home to a large deaf and hard of hearing community. The Rochester Police Department is continuously looking for ways to improve communication and its relationship with the deaf and hard of hearing community.

The Deaf Driver Communication Visor Card was developed in collaboration by the Rochester Police Department and Regional Center for Independent Living's (RCIL) Deaf and Police Interactive Committee. The card is modeled after other successful programs that are used by deaf drivers in other states such as Maryland and Virginia. The purpose of the Deaf Driver Communication Visor Card is to assist in the communication during a traffic stop between a police officer and a deaf driver. It also assists the deaf driver in understanding the desired actions during the traffic stop to reduce misunderstanding and confusion.

The front side of the Deaf Driver Communication Visor Card alerts the police officer to the fact that the driver is either Hard of Hearing or Deaf. On the right side of the Deaf Driver Communication Visor Card are two sections: “I COMMUNICATE USING THESE METHODS” and “HERE’S HOW YOU CAN HELP”, along with information under each. The information can be used by the driver to indicate to the officer different things that will aid in the communication.

Along the bottom of the front side of the Deaf Driver Communication Visor Card are picture icons that will assist the officer in conveying to the driver the possible reason for the stop or assist the officer in requesting their drivers license, registration and insurance cards.

On the back of the Deaf Driver Communication Visor Card, which will not be visible to the officer, are suggestions for what the driver should do when pulled over, such as roll down the window and place their hands on the steering wheel and wait for the officer. It also has a section for tips for using the visor card which should further facilitate the successful completion of the traffic stop.

I've been pulled over maybe 2-3 times in my entire driving career. I personally don't see the need for it.
I've been pulled over maybe 2-3 times in my entire driving career. I personally don't see the need for it.


but.... there's a saying - "For every 1 good advice, there's 99 bad ones"
When I worked as a Reserve officer... movement in the car such as to get insurance we would wonder if they were hiding something or getting a weapon etc. Also most LEO approach on the passenger side for safety on highways or at least on the west coast. So I commend the keeping your hands on the steering wheel part of the instructions.
woe is me. I am deaf

If it will help me get out of I ticket I am all for it. Maybe attach a $100 bill to the card for,, you know