Deaf Culture in Florida ?


New Member
Apr 22, 2010
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I think my last other post disappeared during the crash and we had to flee a poisonous house and are living in a hotel room ow so....

Looks like we might be moving to Florida from Canada ! California seems a little out of our budjet :(

I'd like to move where there are some Deafies and Deaf social gatherings. We've been a little out of the loop since moving to Canada. Can any one suggest a city or town in florida that might be good ? We are thinking of moving to Tampa since it's near where the family lives, How is the Deaf culture there ? Is there any one I can IM/ Email To try to get a bit in the loop even before moving ? Any large apartment complexes with an unusual amount of Deafies?

Yeah, I know it's alot to ask, but I'm really tired of feeling like the only Deafie in town :P

Thanks in Advance !
Jacksonville, where the Deaf and Blind school is located prolly has a lot of deafies......I think we have a bunch of Floridiains on here
Hi there! I live in central Florida. But I'm hearing and learning ASL so I'm not part of the Deaf community. I believe Tampa or Jacksonville might be good choices for you. Orlando might be another consideration.
Tampa is a good choice. Several deaf people attend to Saint Petersburg Jr. College and they have Deaf club in Tampa. If you have a facebook account you can look it up and add them as a friend , so to keep you up to date on deaf meets and outings.

Orlando, Miami-Dade, Jacksonville and St Augustine are also another Choices.
I was going to say Tampa too. Sniff Sniff, I love that place- far from my cold weather pathetic existance I have now :giggle:
Jacksonville, where the Deaf and Blind school is located prolly has a lot of deafies......I think we have a bunch of Floridiains on here

Thanks deafdyke !

LOL, Jacksonville, would be interesting, since I was born there ! We've actually discussed that a few times. The idea of going full circle like that, is amusing. I didn't know there was a Deaf blind school there though. Definately have to look into that more.
HEhehe, so far tampa seems to be winning.

BabyBlue - Unfortunately I don't hve a facebook account :( It might be time to get one though. Does the Deaf club have an email address?

Hollykins You could come visit and practice ! Maybe we can sneak you in *grinnies*

hohdougRN - Awww, :giggle: I should have a party when I get there (where ever There is going to be:) and see how many Alldeaf people we can get to show up !
I'm in West Palm Beach. There are a few here, but not a whole lot that I can find. I do go to my local (12 miles away) deaf club, and we have a different group that has a deaf chat at a local (18 miles) mall. One of our local high schools (24 miles) has a small deaf/hoh population. but 95% of the students in the whole school know ASL.

A pamphlet I was reading the other day mentioned that Florida ranks 2nd in the US with total deaf/hoh people in the state.
I'm in West Palm Beach. There are a few here, but not a whole lot that I can find. I do go to my local (12 miles away) deaf club, and we have a different group that has a deaf chat at a local (18 miles) mall. One of our local high schools (24 miles) has a small deaf/hoh population. but 95% of the students in the whole school know ASL.

A pamphlet I was reading the other day mentioned that Florida ranks 2nd in the US with total deaf/hoh people in the state.

I think that is just because Florida gets lots of retirees. That figure includes people with old age hearing loss.
LOL at bott.

Several old friends of mine from Long Island now are living in florida. I am not sure where they live. LOL.
LOL at bott.

Several old friends of mine from Long Island now are living in florida. I am not sure where they live. LOL.

I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't here in WPB. We have a community called "Century Village" which is 98% NY and NJ retirees and 75% Jewish. There is a Temple just across the street from the gates of this community. :giggle:
I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't here in WPB. We have a community called "Century Village" which is 98% NY and NJ retirees and 75% Jewish. There is a Temple just across the street from the gates of this community. :giggle:

ha ha and my parents, cousins, uncles and aunts live in florida too. :D
entioned that Florida ranks 2nd in the US with total deaf/hoh people in the state.
I think that is just because Florida gets lots of retirees. That figure includes people with old age hearing loss
true, but then again FSDB is a really good and sizable Deaf school, and there are always people who move to a state specificly for a deaf school
I'm in West Palm Beach. There are a few here, but not a whole lot that I can find. I do go to my local (12 miles away) deaf club, and we have a different group that has a deaf chat at a local (18 miles) mall. One of our local high schools (24 miles) has a small deaf/hoh population. but 95% of the students in the whole school know ASL.

A pamphlet I was reading the other day mentioned that Florida ranks 2nd in the US with total deaf/hoh people in the state.

That makes sense. If you are relatively young and want to interact with others your age, the Florida deaf/hoh culture leaves a lot to be desired -- not to mention everything here is too spaced out. But I figure that is a problem everywhere.
That makes sense. If you are relatively young and want to interact with others your age, the Florida deaf/hoh culture leaves a lot to be desired -- not to mention everything here is too spaced out. But I figure that is a problem everywhere.

Luckily I am not that young, (late 40's) and I seems to do well with the 50-70 age range. They are a lot more forgiving than the 20-40 range when it comes to my acceptance of my hearing loss. Younger people are demanding that I do whatever I can to find a way to hear again. Why should I? I like how I am and I am mostly happy about it.

My deaf club is really great. Most people are in the 50-70 range. We have a few 80-90 and some teens-20. The 20-40 group doesn't feel they need the deaf club, so there are very few of them.