Deaf Boxer


Oct 24, 2010
Reaction score

I have just started boxing and I wear hearing-aids in both ears, but as common sense would tell you I can not box with them in. I am worried that I may not be able to compete without having proper hearing, so I was wondering if anyone was in this situation or knew of someone? If you do please tell me of your/their experience and how you/they dealt with it.

Anything would be much appreciated. Thanks
I do muay thai kickboxing :) I am not deaf.
Wirelessly posted

Bebonang said:
I do muay thai kickboxing :) I am not deaf.

:shock: I thought you are deaf or hard of hearing. OMG. I never knew that all this time you have post here on the forum. Wow! :eek3:

Most members know I am not deaf. I am an interpreter :)
Wirelessly posted

whatdidyousay! said:
Rio said:
I do muay thai kickboxing :) I am not deaf.

This does not help the OP ! As he/she wearing Ha.

What do you mean OP wearing?
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Wirelessly posted

Most members know I am not deaf. I am an interpreter :)

thought so...but a good one , obviously as you mix with Deaf in real and online, thats' great wish to see more terps with this good 'im on your side' attitude cheers
Moose, when you train, wear the hearing aids, Bag work, wieght lifting, pad punchng but when in the ring take it OFF, too fucking expensive if it breaks, and have the ref to understand you're in silent world when in the ring so they tap, wave to you...
seek them to understand you, and im sure they will be good with you, if not, then go to a different boxing gym where they treat you better

my 2 cents,
hope this helps