Dead Trees Society - book reading.

We could not only share books, but discuss with each other what we got out of that particular book. I have found a lot of times that I would never have read a certain book if a friend hadn't recommended it, and then it turned out to be one that I treasured.

So true!
Wirelessly posted (sent from a smartphone. )

jillio said:
Oh one more thing...if you have books on an has no value if you want to resell them. You can resell physical books to get extra money and get other books if you wanted to. That is one of the negatives for digital media.

Yeah, that is a negative. But because my books are my friends, I rarely get rid of any of them. Maybe a novel or two that I know I will never read again, but that's it. That is why I like being able to store a huge collection of my favorite authors, classics, professional references, psychological biographies, bestsellers, non-fiction, etc. all on one small devise that fits in my purse. And if I think, "I feel like reading some Fitzgerald this week-end" it doesn't take me hours to find it in a shelf!:P

Yeah that does work well. do we get this going? Kindle users, unite! Let's get a book swap going.:wave:
Why does it have to be "Kindle vs books" when it can be "Kindle and books"?

I'm not longer a Kindle reader, but an iPad 2 reader. I bought both, digital and dead tree. I like digital more because it is utterly convenience. I frequently moved around, so digital books are much, much easier to carry. Just one!

Although, I have noticed the pattern among digital-hating people. It's a fear of change.
Why does it have to be "Kindle vs books" when it can be "Kindle and books"?

I'm not longer a Kindle reader, but an iPad 2 reader. I bought both, digital and dead tree. I like digital more because it is utterly convenience. I frequently moved around, so digital books are much, much easier to carry. Just one!

Although, I have noticed the pattern among digital-hating people. It's a fear of change.

I do both, but that is because many of the books I need to have around don't come in a Kindle version...professional references and so on. Also there are a few authors I enjoy reading that have not gone the way of a Kindle version.

I think you hit the nail on the head with the change thing.
I do both, but that is because many of the books I need to have around don't come in a Kindle version...professional references and so on. Also there are a few authors I enjoy reading that have not gone the way of a Kindle version.

I think you hit the nail on the head with the change thing.

So far, I haven't really read any e-Books, which is funny because I'm pretty tech-savvy. Although if I was to get an iPad 2 or the upcoming iPad 3, I probably would start reading books on it. I have tried out the e-Book demonstration on iPad and I have to say I was impressed with the features. For instance, you can click on any words and the dictionary's definition will pop up right on the page. Pretty cool.
So far, I haven't really read any e-Books, which is funny because I'm pretty tech-savvy. Although if I was to get an iPad 2 or the upcoming iPad 3, I probably would start reading books on it. I have tried out the e-Book demonstration on iPad and I have to say I was impressed with the features. For instance, you can click on any words and the dictionary's definition will pop up right on the page. Pretty cool.

That feature is on my Kindle and my laptop app for Kindle, too. It is a cool feature.

My nephew put in a proposal at the high school where he teaches to do a completely wireless social studies class next year. They accepted it and bought new iPads for the students enrolled in the class (have to be returned, of course) and purchased a new iPad for him. The text book and all assignments will be on the iPad. He is really excited about it, and I am anxious to hear how it goes.

He has the e-book app, needless to say, on his iPad, and he loves it. We seem to be moving at the same rate technologically, lol. Guess that makes sense...he is only 8 years younger than me! I think you would get hooked if you were to try it.

I started out with the intention of just keeping my personal reading on my e-reader, but once I discovered how many of my professional references were available, I was off and running! I love the idea of having my professional references in my purse where ever I happen to be, since a lot of my work is in the field. I hate being office bound, and this is a great advantage to me. No more lugging huge book bags around with me. Just a lap top case and a purse now.

For instance, too, if I am sitting outside school waiting for my nephew's daughter to be dismissed, I can grab a few minutes reading time as I wait without having to constantly have whatever book I am reading plus all my other books and papers with me constantly.
That feature is on my Kindle and my laptop app for Kindle, too. It is a cool feature.

My nephew put in a proposal at the high school where he teaches to do a completely wireless social studies class next year. They accepted it and bought new iPads for the students enrolled in the class (have to be returned, of course) and purchased a new iPad for him. The text book and all assignments will be on the iPad. He is really excited about it, and I am anxious to hear how it goes.

He has the e-book app, needless to say, on his iPad, and he loves it. We seem to be moving at the same rate technologically, lol. Guess that makes sense...he is only 8 years younger than me! I think you would get hooked if you were to try it.

I started out with the intention of just keeping my personal reading on my e-reader, but once I discovered how many of my professional references were available, I was off and running! I love the idea of having my professional references in my purse where ever I happen to be, since a lot of my work is in the field. I hate being office bound, and this is a great advantage to me. No more lugging huge book bags around with me. Just a lap top case and a purse now.

Despite the fact that I'm tech-savvy, I often handle my enthusiasm with caution. I would consider myself to be innovative in how I use the products I buy. Regarding the iPad, I think it's a cool gadget to have, the second generation is close to what I want and what I can do with it, but it's not the definite purchase just yet. I'm hoping the third generation iPad will be the one for me to buy. I'm pretty fussy about what I buy because I want to utilize it to the max.
Despite the fact that I'm tech-savvy, I often handle my enthusiasm with caution. I would consider myself to be innovative in how I use the products I buy. Regarding the iPad, I think it's a cool gadget to have, the second generation is close to what I want and what I can do with it, but it's not the definite purchase just yet. I'm hoping the third generation iPad will be the one for me to buy. I'm pretty fussy about what I buy because I want to utilize it to the max.

Oh, I can certainly understand that! I haven't invested in an iPad, because for me and my needs where mobility of information is concerned, I am much better off with my laptop and my e-reader instead of converting solely to an iPad. The iPad has some really cool features, but they are features that I would not use a lot, so it makes no sense to invest the bucks in one. Perhaps when my current laptop bites the dust, I'll consider going tablet, but right now, it just isn't feasable either from a financial standpoint or a needs standpoint.

I am usually fairly conservative in my enthusiasm of the new tech gadgets, too. In fact, I purchased my Kindle in a cloud of skepticism, but decided to give it a shot because I got such a good deal. My skepticism soon vanished, though, when I actually started to put it to use and realized how much it could streamline my days.
I think kokonut should rename this thread to the Brindle Society! :giggle:
I was going to get either a Kindle or a Nook, but I downloaded the apps (along with iBooks) onto my iPhone, and have been reading books right off my phone. So not going to buy either Kindle or Nook now. All while still being green! :)
I was going to get either a Kindle or a Nook, but I downloaded the apps (along with iBooks) onto my iPhone, and have been reading books right off my phone. So not going to buy either Kindle or Nook now. All while still being green! :)

Well, there you go!:thumb:
If this is a serious idea that you'd like to do, send me a PM and start a new thread, and I can help with the distribution, making whatever the current book is available in both Kindle and Nook compatible format.
If this is a serious idea that you'd like to do, send me a PM and start a new thread, and I can help with the distribution, making whatever the current book is available in both Kindle and Nook compatible format.

I'd be interested and I think tarynrenae, another AD member, would be as well. She has a huge collection of ebooks.
I would be interested too, especially if it works with the iPhone Kindle or Nook apps! :)