Daniels-Ryan for 2012

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Again, you're right as always, Reba.

Ever see someone do a moonwalk?

We watch you backpedal on a daily basis. Sometimes more than once.:cool2:
Michael Jackson

Yep. It seems some have a bit of difficulty distinguishing between the various types of laws that cover alcohol sales and consumption. All because of a need to defend Blue Laws and justify the religious nature of Sunday sales and consumption laws.
I'm not expecting to.

No need to. The article you posted has absolutely nothing to do with alcohol sales on Sunday. That is what the discussion of Blue Laws centered around.

Or, is it because the incident occurred on a Wed. and many Protestant demoninations attend church on Wed evenings that you are trying to find some sort of correlation between the two?
Now you are talking about open container laws, and public intoxication.
As you can see, the Charleston law about public consumption is separate from the laws concerning public intoxication.

Quite separate from blue laws.
Just clarifying your post #90. Sales of alcohol and public consumption of alcohol are separate issues. The man wasn't arrested for buying alcohol but for drinking it on a public sidewalk.
As you can see, the Charleston law about public consumption is separate from the laws concerning public intoxication.

Just clarifying your post #90. Sales of alcohol and public consumption of alcohol are separate issues. The man wasn't arrested for buying alcohol but for drinking it on a public sidewalk.

And it still has absolutely nothing to do with Blue Laws regarding Sunday sales and consumption. It still happened on a Wednesday. So where is the connect to Sunday Blue Laws?
No need to.
Right. That has nothing to do with my post.

The article you posted has absolutely nothing to do with alcohol sales on Sunday. That is what the discussion of Blue Laws centered around.
Did I commit a posting offense? Are you the posting police? DON'T TASE ME BRO! :laugh2:

Or, is it because the incident occurred on a Wed. and many Protestant demoninations attend church on Wed evenings that you are trying to find some sort of correlation between the two?
Why do you keep dragging religion into these threads?

The law against drinking in public covers every day of the week in Charleston, any time of the day or night.

There is ZERO correlation between the two.

The law is mostly a result of the blue-blood residents of historic Charleston who don't like the trash and urine that public drinkers leave at their gates.
And it still has absolutely nothing to do with Blue Laws regarding Sunday sales and consumption. It still happened on a Wednesday. So where is the connect to Sunday Blue Laws?
I never said there was a connection to my post about the guy arrested for drinking on the street to Sunday Blue Laws.

It's just an illustration of the fact that sales and intoxication have nothing to do with laws against public consumption.

I didn't know that I had to clear my posts with you before clicking SUBMIT.

Did it ever occur to you that perhaps people other than yourself might want to read my posts?
Right. That has nothing to do with my post.

Did I commit a posting offense? Are you the posting police? DON'T TASE ME BRO! :laugh2:

Why do you keep dragging religion into these threads?

The law against drinking in public covers every day of the week in Charleston, any time of the day or night.

There is ZERO correlation between the two.

The law is mostly a result of the blue-blood residents of historic Charleston who don't like the trash and urine that public drinkers leave at their gates.

A) I am not dragging religion into these threads. The discussion was regarding Blue Laws, and another poster pointed out that Blue Laws have their foundation in religion.

B) Mighty defensive there, aren't you?

C) You are absolutely right. There is no correlation between your post and Blue Laws.
I never said there was a connection to my post about the guy arrested for drinking on the street to Sunday Blue Laws.

It's just an illustration of the fact that sales and intoxication have nothing to do with laws against public consumption.

I didn't know that I had to clear my posts with you before clicking SUBMIT.

Did it ever occur to you that perhaps people other than yourself might want to read my posts?

Blue Laws most certainly do have to do with public consumption in bars and restaurants. Public consumption doesn't pertain to simply on the street. It pertains to the places that sell alcohol, as well.

And any one that wants to read your posts can. They are right there in black and white. I am not one in favor of book banning and such.:cool2:

What makes you think you have to clear your posts with me? Because I disagree? That comes with the territory of a public forum. I sense some extreme sensitivity over something here.
And now Daniels-Ryan is outright lying to the public.
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