Damage control at NBC


New Member
Nov 22, 2011
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Trayvon Martin call was "mistake, not deliberate": NBC - Yahoo! News

I think that as usual it is just another cover up and business as usual from Nothing But Crap network. If it was edited then it wasn't a mistake. Glad to hear they fired the guy in charge of editing. Why can't they just tell the truth from the start and be accurate and honest??? Because accuracy and honesty doesn't sell but dirt and trash does. I'm not trying to maintain or stir up hate and discontent but it just seems to come naturally from the MM and certain leaders which I will not mention here now. Have a great Easter and be kind to a stranger, neighbor or friend!
They are calling it a "mistake, not intentional" to avoid legal issues that can be brouht against them by both Zimmerman and the police department. I would expect when the investigation is done, they will be ramifications against NBC. The real question is where the hell is the FCC on this? The FCC has fined the networks big time for other reasons and this one is certainly worth the biggest fine ever.