Cure for a Fingernails Biter?


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2007
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Any tips/cures for biting ur fingernails?....My 13 yr. old has always done it.....and fussing or telling him to stop biting ur nails hasn't worked!

Someone suggested putting hot sauce on his fingers....I find that extreme. I've asked him "are you nervous"?..."anything bothering you?"....Nope! is the answer....he just likes to do it... Do they really taste that good?

His nails look awful, bitten to the quick. He was so happy that we now have an icemaker, becuz before he had so much trouble getting ice out of ice trays!...Go figure!
I hate to admit... but I bite my nails as well, I've been biting them since I was a very young child.... at first I used to bite them due to result of boredom or nervous or scare. But now, I rarely bite them... I only bite them when I'm nervous or really stressed.

My parents tried to put the nasty tasty stuff of nail polish that should help you to prevent from biting them, it didn't stop me. They also tried the hot sauce as well, didn't burn my tongue. They also made me sit on my hands whenever I'm watching tv.... that didn't work as well.

Now I found a way that prevents me from biting my nails..... Nail polish!!! Man, that stuff is nasty to bite into it so I consistently put nail polish onto my nails and it stops me from biting my nails! It works!!! Now my nails are normal size.... thanks to the nail polish.

But as for your son... why don't you get clear nail polish and paint his nails... see if he likes biting his nails with that stuff on!!! It works on me! :)
I hate to admit... but I bite my nails as well, I've been biting them since I was a very young child.... at first I used to bite them due to result of boredom or nervous or scare. But now, I rarely bite them... I only bite them when I'm nervous or really stressed.

My parents tried to put the nasty tasty stuff of nail polish that should help you to prevent from biting them, it didn't stop me. They also tried the hot sauce as well, didn't burn my tongue. They also made me sit on my hands whenever I'm watching tv.... that didn't work as well.

Now I found a way that prevents me from biting my nails..... Nail polish!!! Man, that stuff is nasty to bite into it so I consistently put nail polish onto my nails and it stops me from biting my nails! It works!!! Now my nails are normal size.... thanks to the nail polish.

But as for your son... why don't you get clear nail polish and paint his nails... see if he likes biting his nails with that stuff on!!! It works on me! :)
Yeah. I've heard of a lot of different nasty stuff that people put on their nails, but due to habit... the taste becomes acquired and nail-biters get used to them.

So, there's not really much you can do except come up with a good reward for not biting them. Is there something that he really wants and how much are you willing to spend or give to reward him?

It takes a long time for fingernails to get to a certain length. So, one or two reward would probably be enough since he will probably forget to bite them again. :dunno:
I was a chronic nail biter for a very long time, and it had more to do with my emotions. If I was anxious, hungry, even bored, I bit my nails. I found when I started chewing sugar free gum it helped alleviate some of the "need" to bite my nails. But that is just me. I remember my mom used to try everything from nail polish remover (which if I wanted to bite them I just chewed through the nasty taste) to scaring me with the idea of fungus growing on my fingertips.
Get him braces, that helps me stop biting my nails and haven't bite my nails since I got my braces off 2 years ago
Get him braces, that helps me stop biting my nails and haven't bite my nails since I got my braces off 2 years ago

He has beautiful teeth, braces are not needed....we just tried the fingernail polish....will see how it works. He can't chew gum in school and it starts tomorrow thinking about the "reward" suggestion also. It's a nasty habit he has.
He has beautiful teeth, braces are not needed....we just tried the fingernail polish....will see how it works. He can't chew gum in school and it starts tomorrow thinking about the "reward" suggestion also. It's a nasty habit he has.

I used to bite my nails, nail polish taste nasty. It only takes 21 days to break most habits, and one day to restart.

I;ll still bite my nails if they are too long (so I poke myself when making a dist or I can see the nails from the palm side of my hand when my hand is at eye level, or when they are raggdy/torn, or when I am nervous.

Get his some silly putty to play with instead of gum or his nails.
I used to bite my fingers when I was in elementary school. I only bit my nails for a short period of time... and I used that nail polish stuff that tasted disgusting. It was weird crap... everyone could notice it was on. :P I believe I was in 5th grade.

My brother chews his nails... you can't really tell that he does it, but he's just a disgusting child. :lol:
How about dipping his fingernails in lemon juice it isn't too extreme, but it'll taste sour. lol That might would help. :dunno:
I stopped biting my nails in anticipation that I would give a nice massage to someone else. That broke my habit of more than 18 years. 2 weeks later, I got so upset from having too too much schoolwork and family drama and bit all my nails at once. They look crappy like before. Now I have to regrow my nails in a few weeks again.

Sheer willpower isn't always enough to break a lifelong habit. Since he's young, now's a good time to interrupt his habit before he loses some of his teeth by age 20.
Someone told me to keep lotion on their hands or rub deodorant on their fingertips. Both are Bitter and Nasty to taste.
I heard someone says that fingernails biter is a sign of depression or anxiety. *shrug*.

Fingernails biter is not good because it's dirty in there. That's my opinion.

I don't know how will that works to prevent from fingernail biter, go see a doctor or something.
I'm thinking maybe try gloves but I dunno.