Crazy Totally Crazy

No, but FOX is not alone. Maybe he does not know whom MM includes, so the
In Holland, teens are promiscuous yet that country has the lowest teen birth and teen abortion rates in the world. Maybe USA could learn something from this country and apply it to their own teen motherhood issues.

As long as abstinence-only contraception education remains widespread, coupled with our country's paradoxical taboo/obsession with sex, teenage pregnancy and promiscuity will continue unfettered.
Child protection agencies should have handled this. A big reason kids are put into foster homes is because the parent/parents are unable to provide a safe habitat. Most states have pretty much the same requirements. It is the enforcing of these laws that let's this happen.
A lot of. Big cities get this kind of problem because the family slips throught cracks. Then the social workers get hell for not seeing case #500000 on their workload. No need to pass more laws. Just enforce what is out there