Crazy Deaf Cherokee !


New Member
Apr 22, 2010
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Hello everybody ! I forgot to post and introduce myself, Oppsie !

I am Crazy Deaf Cherokee, born in Florida and raised by hearing white folks in NY, at a time when someone believed you could turn Red folks White and Deaf folks Hearing just because you raised them that way. Erm... *blushes* I might have some issues. *giggles* I Do have some attitude, so let me apoligize in advance for that.

In my Current incrnation, I am a Navy wife, living in Canada, in a hotel room, Hopefully on her way back to the states, on account of the house we were living in is poisonous. (We THINK It's mold, but no one is quite sure yet). I'm typing on a flexi-keyboard with seven working fingers so expect typo's.

I'm a pretty active person so I get to have lots of adventures, especaily since I try to never let the fact that I haven't got a clue what I am doing stop me from doing a thing !

I'm just sort of here to communicate with other Deafies , since y'all seem pretty scarce in my neck of the woods :P
Welcome wavedancer! :wave: Hope that ya'll don't have any long-term effects from the mysterious poison. :shock: