Court: Seattle police OK to stun pregnant woman

I'm also sure they're more to the story than being said.
The fetus won't remember at all. I wouldn't sweat over it.

A fall is not enough to cause any harm to the fetus. The fetus is inside a well insulated womb, capable of absorbing shocks. We have many pregnant women fall and their fetuses are fine while they have bruises.

Oh? And a girl told my grand daughter that she was upset -- She wanted an abortion but lo and behold she didn't realize she had waited too long. The doctor would not give her one because it was now illegal.

My grand daughter told me she "accidently" fell and the baby spontaneously aborted.

My grand daughter is very suspicious of the accident but has no way to prove there was any intent to abort.

I remember reading historical novels and "falling" was used as and "accidental" abortion technique in Victorian England.

Until I am shown proof -- otherwise I will accept a fall as dangerous to a pregnant woman who wishes to give birth to a healthy, live, baby.
She's not killing anyone or being a danger to society as a whole. Just being a pain, that's all.


That is the point, isn't it? Should police in a country devoted to freedom of the individual taser someone just because they are inconvenient?

Google is your friend

"Many pregnant women will fall during pregnancy. Sometimes it's simply a matter of a change in the center of gravity. This happens at about the fourth month of pregnancy. Sometimes you may just be a bit more clumsy while pregnant because of the weight gain, protruding pregnant belly or because of the softening of ligaments and joints due to the hormone relaxin.

If you fall when you are pregnant, the amniotic sac which contains fluid will act as a protective barrier for your baby. To truly hurt your baby in a fall, you would have to have been severely injured in the fall yourself. The old wive's tale about falling down to cause a miscarriage is not true."

I fell when pregnant, will that hurt the baby? - Falls in Pregnancy