couple of questions...


New Member
Feb 19, 2006
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I have a few questions I wanted to ask. I'm not sure where to put them. Or if anyone can answer them. As I said in my introduction I am hearing. I do have a slight hearing loss which I think is getting worse very slowly. However I seem to have it intermittently. I can sometimes hear (what's normal for me) then other times I am constantly asking people to repeat what they are saying and reading their lips as much as possible and can't discern between certain sounds that I used to be able too. I was told that I'm "selectively" listening to things and that it is not medical. That my hearing though there is a loss has not changed for 2 years ago. Yet I feel it has. Is it possible I'm right? That for some reason sometimes it's "normal" and other times it's not and that it's not "selective" but actually there. I have gotten very good at "guessing" things and "hiding" things and smoothing over stuff if I don't understand because it's been like that for a long time but they say it's not really getting worse that it's "in my head". It bothers me.
Hi, I have severe to profound loss.. and it's different that of your loss.. I totally lost my speech understanding ability..I constantly have to wear hearing aid.. A slight hearing loss should NOT be much trouble.. you were told that you selectively hearing ??? People often think that I don't hear when I don't want to hear.. so the first step for you is to consult an experienced audiologist.. if she/he doesn't find anything new in your loss.. then you should see a therapist who has knowledge on impairment issues.. Perhaps she/he may help you.. hope this works.. :)

StoryBoutAGirl said:
I have a few questions I wanted to ask. I'm not sure where to put them. Or if anyone can answer them. As I said in my introduction I am hearing. I do have a slight hearing loss which I think is getting worse very slowly. However I seem to have it intermittently. I can sometimes hear (what's normal for me) then other times I am constantly asking people to repeat what they are saying and reading their lips as much as possible and can't discern between certain sounds that I used to be able too. I was told that I'm "selectively" listening to things and that it is not medical. That my hearing though there is a loss has not changed for 2 years ago. Yet I feel it has. Is it possible I'm right? That for some reason sometimes it's "normal" and other times it's not and that it's not "selective" but actually there. I have gotten very good at "guessing" things and "hiding" things and smoothing over stuff if I don't understand because it's been like that for a long time but they say it's not really getting worse that it's "in my head". It bothers me.
Yeah it happened to me a couple of times, there are times I would be able to hear something, then others time I hear nothing not a sound, and I'm not sure if it's telling me that I'm losing more of my hearing or not.... :dunno:
Thanks. I had a hearing test done about a year ago and they said that there was no major difference from 2 years before that but I felt there was. I have an appointment for the begging of March because my family doctor feels that there is a noticable difference in how well I seem to be able to here her from the last time I was there. But she felt that last time too and the audiologist didn't agree with it so it went no further. I really don't want to be told that there is a loss but at the same time I want a reason for why I have such a hard time hearing things I used to be able to hear just fine. I find it so frustrating.
^Angel^ said:
Yeah it happened to me a couple of times, there are times I would be able to hear something, then others time I hear nothing not a sound, and I'm not sure if it's telling me that I'm losing more of my hearing or not.... :dunno:
It's really confusing isn't it? They wont help me because they say I'm not loosing anymore but yet I can't hear things I so easily heard before. They told me it was not possible.
StoryBoutAGirl said:
It's really confusing isn't it? They wont help me because they say I'm not loosing anymore but yet I can't hear things I so easily heard before. They told me it was not possible.

A hard of hearing person sometimes hears good and sometimes don't ..That's why you should consult a different audiologist.. You may have lost some more of your hearing.. Thereby you may occasionally have difficulty ... in addition you may need to wear a hearing aid if you don't ..
ecevit said:
A hard of hearing person sometimes hears good and sometimes don't ..That's why you should consult a different audiologist.. You may have lost some more of your hearing.. Thereby you may occasionally have difficulty ... in addition you may need to wear a hearing aid if you don't ..
That's what I thought. That sometimes you could hear good and other times not. I'm going to talk to my doctor and see if it's the same audiologist I saw last time. If it is I'll see if she can refer me to a different one. Basically all they did was a hearing test and sent the results to my doctor. We never talked about it at all. I just feel bad pushing the issue. But I guess I should be.
Good luck :hug:

StoryBoutAGirl said:
That's what I thought. That sometimes you could hear good and other times not. I'm going to talk to my doctor and see if it's the same audiologist I saw last time. If it is I'll see if she can refer me to a different one. Basically all they did was a hearing test and sent the results to my doctor. We never talked about it at all. I just feel bad pushing the issue. But I guess I should be.
StoryBoutAGirl said:
That's what I thought. That sometimes you could hear good and other times not. I'm going to talk to my doctor and see if it's the same audiologist I saw last time. If it is I'll see if she can refer me to a different one. Basically all they did was a hearing test and sent the results to my doctor. We never talked about it at all. I just feel bad pushing the issue. But I guess I should be.

Great idea, it's would be much better to get a second opinion from another audiologist, then you will know for sure if you're losing your hearing or not.... ;)

Good luck and let us know how it went :hug:
i strongly reccomend you get a 2nd opioion do not settle for just one audioglist. some audioilgist will just do the test and shoo u on your way, this is not a good setting for one who just is now going thru a major change in life, and losing your hearing can be fustrating but not as fustrating as your audioglist who thinks there is nothing wrong with you, always get a 2nd opioion from any medical feild helps you better understand your needs and what your next step will be. Good luck :)
^Angel^ said:
Great idea, it's would be much better to get a second opinion from another audiologist, then you will know for sure if you're losing your hearing or not.... ;)

Good luck and let us know how it went :hug:
Thanks and I will :D
javapride said:
i strongly reccomend you get a 2nd opioion do not settle for just one audioglist. some audioilgist will just do the test and shoo u on your way, this is not a good setting for one who just is now going thru a major change in life, and losing your hearing can be fustrating but not as fustrating as your audioglist who thinks there is nothing wrong with you, always get a 2nd opioion from any medical feild helps you better understand your needs and what your next step will be. Good luck :)
Thanks for the advice. I have an apointment later in the week with my family doctor who will hopefully refur me to a different audiologist. With any luck someone will be able to help.