countdown to CI surgery!

How sweeeeeet the sooound isssss! Got mapping, turned volume down and tweak it and then some. Added 3 real programs! There's a lot more programs than it said in book! Lol from what I remember

Noise: (noisy evironment like restaurant)

Quiet: (whisper program)

School: (for any building that makes echo sound like school, cafeteria, gym, mall)

Focused Listening: (Beam program, hear only thing in front of you and reduce bg noise)

I'm sure there's 1 or 2 more but I forgot what it is.

Coming soon: music appreciation program! (Still in experimental phase)

The mapping's 100 times better whoo-hoo I'm happy! I also tried listening to 1 chapter of "Bridge to Terabithia" audiobook, wow I'm surprised how clear and easy it is to do if I'm reading book same time only got lost in 3 sentence but I managed to find where I am and resume reading! Wow! :mrgreen: