Contrubiting my 5,000th post to Alldeaf....

Congrats! Jake from one chatterbox to another:giggle: Keep posting :cool2:
Oh I thought it was 5,000 blogs and 2 posts. :giggle:

Anyway, congrats! :)
Congratulations, Jake. Keep on posting those helpful posts.
i made my pact: will get 5,000 posts in less of 10 months..

DVDFreaker, dont you wish that somebody hack JC's cpu to cease his posting so that you can get 5,000? LOL.
Dixie, define 'toast' - you mean a toast of bread or a toast of speech? :lol:
har har very funny knuckle head. Let me grab my Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary to properly define the term 'toast' as it is being used in the aforementioned sentence. Or I could just simply look it up using Unabridged (v 1.1) - Cite This Source - Share This
toast2 Audio Help /toʊst/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[tohst] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation,
–noun 1. a salutation or a few words of congratulation, good wishes, appreciation, remembrance, etc., uttered immediately before drinking to a person, event, etc.
2. a person, event, sentiment, or the like, in honor of whom another or others raise their glasses in salutation and then drink.
3. an act or instance of thus drinking: They drank a toast to the queen.
4. a call on another or others to drink to some person or thing.
5. a person who is celebrated as with the spirited homage of a toast: She was the toast of five continents.
–verb (used with object) 6. to drink to the health of or in honor of; propose a toast to or in honor of.
7. to propose as a toast.
–verb (used without object) 8. to propose or drink a toast.


[Origin: 1690–1700; fig. use of toast1 (n.); the name of a lady so honored was said to give flavor to the drink comparable to that given by spiced toast]
Then you are referring a freedom of speech :rofl:

But thanks, I deserve a toast to my 5,000 post. Will 10,000 be next?