Consumer Activism & Netflix

Are you a Netflix subscriber?

  • No, I Cancelled my subscription - lack of captioning

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  • Yes, but frustrated with lack of captioning options.

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New Member
May 24, 2011
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If it is true that there are 36 million Deaf and hard-of-hearing (HOH) people in the United States then please help improve access through Consumer Activism.

"After learning about the Class Action lawsuit by Don Cullon and The Weston Firm, realizing the new requirements of the 'Twenty-First Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act of 2010', struggling with my own hearing loss, and being an avid Netflix subscriber I decided that consumer activism can affect great change in corporate policy and actions. Thus, I started the Netflix petition, with the great assistance of" Sebastian Barrett St.Troy, petition originator.

Already the petition has achieved almost half of the 2,000 signatures sought and is growing daily. We believe that many deaf and HOH are interested in improving access but are unaware of how to achieve it, and this is one way to do so, through Consumer Activism.

"I am an interpreter for the deaf and have a deep love and concern for them. Many times I recommend a movie to a deaf friend, then realize it doesn't have caption capabilities. It really doesn't seem fair to them and makes their world smaller because they lack resources for information, education, and entertainment. Please make this change!" Commented one of the petition signees.

To read and sign the petition, please visit's online petition page:

To see Updates and News, please visit the Petition's Website: