Connecticut School Bans Physical Contact


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Mar 28, 2009 7:20 am US/Eastern

Connecticut School Bans Physical Contact
East Shore M.S. Outlaws "High-Fives," "Hugging" And Horseplay Of Any Kind; Violators May Face Expulsion

MILFORD, Conn. (CBS) ― A Connecticut middle school principal has laid down the law: You
put your hands on someone -- anyone -- in any way, you're going to pay.

A violent incident that put one student in the hospital has officials at the Milford school implementing a "no touching" policy, according to a letter written by the school's principal.

East Shore Middle School parents said the change came after a student was sent to the hospital after being struck in the groin.
Principal Catherine Williams sent out a letter earlier in the week telling parents recent behavior has seriously impacted the safety and learning at the school.

"Observed behaviors of concern recently exhibited include kicking others in the groin area, grabbing and touching of others in personal areas, hugging and horseplay. Physical contact is prohibited to keep all students safe in the learning environment," Williams wrote.

Students and parents are outraged. They said the new policy means no high-fives and hugs, as well as horseplay of any kind. The consequences could be dire, Williams warned in the letter.

"Potential consequences and disciplinary action may include parent conferences, detention, suspension and/or a request for expulsion from school," Williams wrote.

Many think the school's no tolerance policy goes way too far. Others said it's utterly ridiculous.

"Now it's almost as if it's a sanitized school. Where you have to keep your distance from everybody? And that's not what school is about," one father said.

"What if they are out on the playground at recess, or in gym class?" parent Kathy Casey wondered. "You know, gym class is physical."

Connecticut School Bans Physical Contact -

Another ban ? :eek3:
This is going way overboard, if you ask me. Still, I can't imagine why students are going around and hitting each other in the groin...
Great...another "neo nazi rule" for the school. Interesting... :roll:

It's not like EVERYONE will punch others in the privates anyway.
I cant imagine the ruckus that will be caused if that ban was imposed at a school with a deaf program or if there are any deaf kids at that school.
guess contact sports such as Football and basketball will be Banned from the school as well!! :roll:

Idiotic rule!! It will not stop people from hitting each other!
guess contact sports such as Football and basketball will be Banned from the school as well!! :roll:

Idiotic rule!! It will not stop people from hitting each other!


Nope. It will only stop the healthy, loving, friendly, touching actions.

The hateful ones will still go on.
Nope. It will only stop the healthy, loving, friendly, touching actions.

The hateful ones will still go on.


It will teach kids to grow up with, no physical affection and comfort.
Touch me in the groin -- when I get a chance, you'll wish you hadn't. Get my point? :nutkick:
I agree to all of you about how silly and ridiculous it is. I don't support " no tolerance " policy. I am glad that I graduated in 1979 before they created a new policy for all schools. :ugh:
A school in Virginia did this last year I believe and some kid got expelled for hugging a friend...

I can't imagine a school so rigid, and I went to private school for a long time... no hugs, no hi-5's, no pats on the back for nailing a test?? Wow~~ sad :(
In this day and age of sexual harrasment--probably a good idea to have these bans no matter how ridiculous it sounds.
This completely goes against the point of a school. You go there to learn some stuff and more importantly how to socialize. If people can't even give each other hi-fives they're just breeding socially inept kids and the lack of actual socialization will probably stunt them to some degree.
This completely goes against the point of a school. You go there to learn some stuff and more importantly how to socialize. If people can't even give each other hi-fives they're just breeding socially inept kids and the lack of actual socialization will probably stunt them to some degree.

Suppose you miss the high-five and smack the other kid in the face??

That is known to happen....
I'm glad I've already graudated from school years ago before they passed those stupid rules as well. :roll: Even if teachers handshake other teachers, then why cant students do the same thing? Completely unfair.