Congress said Pizza is a Veggie to Save Money On School Luches! o

Well, I really just don't see what the big deal is. Tomato is tomato. It doesn't change anything.

That's ok. My concern is whoever in the Congress came up with a proposed bill attempting to label tomato paste on pizzas as a vegetable. That's definitely the big deal. If I have kids, they would definitely eat my homemade lunches.
That is right! tomatoes are fruit! Ronald Regan wanted to use ketchup as a veggies for kids lunches but it did not pass. I wonder want Mrs. Obama think about pizza being called a veggie as she is trying to get kids to lose weight.

Didn't Ronald Reagan declare ketchup a vegetable in school lunches?
Anyway, carry on.

I was just in the other forum community regarding the same topic, and someone else posted a newspaper clip. Some of them claim Ronnie's budget director, David Stockman came up with the proposal.

Hold the ketchup: School lunch cutbacks a “bureaucratic goof”

WASHINGTON (AP)—President Reagan, faced with adverse public reaction, has ordered the Agriculture Department to reconsider its controversial school lunch regulations that trimmed portions and classified ketchup as a vegetable.

The action came Friday, announced first by budget director David Stockman and then by other administration officials following a meeting between Reagan and Agriculture Secretary John R. Block.

“They’ve been withdrawn. It was a bureaucratic goof that we’re going to change,” Stockman said, adding that the Agriculture Department “not only has egg on its face, but ketchup, too.

Chief White House spokesman David Gergen said later that Stockman jumped the gun and that before leaving for a weekend at Camp David, “The president requested, and Secretary Block agreed, to withdraw these regulations.”

Gergen said that after the proposals generated controversy, Reagan raised questions about them several times and wanted to know “what are these all about?”

After seeing the president, Block, citing “adverse public reaction,” said he “made the decision to withdraw” the regulations.

The proposals would have cut the minimum portions of meat, vegetables, bread and milk. They would have allowed food such as tofu—a soybean meal curd—to be sustituted for meat and ketchup to be used to meet some vegetable requirements.

Stockman said the regulations were “misleading” and had not been submitted to the Office of Management and Budget for review.

“The idea that suddenly this was a federal requirement to cut the hamburger by a quarter, by 25 percent, was ridiculous,” Stockman said. “These are simply minimum standards…The schools can do anything they want beyond that in terms of the portions they serve and in terms of what kind of meals they compose.

“What we’re going to do,” he added, “is put out a new set of regulations that will remove that misleading aspect.”

As soon as they were issued, the portion reductions became the target of severe criticism, with opponents accusing the adminitration of playing with the health of 26 million children.

USDA officials said when the proposed changes were issued theat they expected school officials to exceed the minimum requirements. Critics argued that most school officials would interpret the minimums as maximums and provide no more food than required to meet the standards.

The proposed changes followed congressional approval of substantial cuts in federal subsidies for school lunches. Those cuts doubled the price of a school lunch to 40 cents for millions of poor children and raised average price [sic] of a lunch for another 14 million children from 60 cents to 75 cents.

The regulations were to take effect in mid-November. Agriculture Department officials said they were intended to help local school districts offset some of the lost federal subsidies by saving them as much as 10 cents a meal..

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HUH!! I hope you're joking!! Pizza is not a low calories food! Why on earth would you want the government telling you how to feed your kids?? The government has no business telling parents how to feed their kids !

What's fucking wrong with you!

I ain't joke, also where I did state in bold? You are jump on wrong wagon.

I'm refer about government to regulate on school lunches.
Yeah, and because obesity levels are at 30% in the US, plus factor in excessive drinking and smoking, we have perhaps 45% of Americans that choose unhealthy lifestyles. Somebody has to pay to keep these folks alive.

Those might be red herring issues, I'm not knowledgable enough about the topic to know either way.

I've read posts on another board where people claim that you can be overweight and still be healthy. Also, while its regrettable, the people I've know who died from lung cancer seemed to have gone early and quickly. For example, one heavy smoker I knew from work died shortly after retirement. Maybe he cost a little more in chemo attempts but he probably didn't use up all of his SS earnings. If he had had a healthy life style he may have used up more medical dollars over a long lifetime and he certainly would have used up more of his SS earnings, perhaps even more than he contributed.

This may be cynical -- but as long as most of us live until retirement age and knock off shortly afterwards -- from a large corporate/govt perspective perhaps that is ideal.
Those might be red herring issues, I'm not knowledgable enough about the topic to know either way.

I've read posts on another board where people claim that you can be overweight and still be healthy. Also, while its regrettable, the people I've know who died from lung cancer seemed to have gone early and quickly. For example, one heavy smoker I knew from work died shortly after retirement. Maybe he cost a little more in chemo attempts but he probably didn't use up all of his SS earnings. If he had had a healthy life style he may have used up more medical dollars over a long lifetime and he certainly would have used up more of his SS earnings, perhaps even more than he contributed.

This may be cynical -- but as long as most of us live until retirement age and knock off shortly afterwards -- from a large corporate/govt perspective perhaps that is ideal.
Very true on all points. Cancer is an expensive thing to treat. As for large companies, the day you walk out the door is the day your life means nothing to them. If they hold a pension for you, they want you to drive out of the parking lot and make it home. After that, I think you can figure it out...
My public schools from late 80s and early 90s served pizza, chicken nuggets, and fried meat, but I rarely ate it. My parents refused to give us lunch money, because they thought the lunch menu was so bad. She also told me the lunch menu in 50s and 60s was complete opposite. Everyone drank milk and water. No pizza.

How can they say that tomato is a vegetable when it is a fruit?

People generally associate plants that produce sweet tasting produce as fruits. Anything with significant amount of fructose, glucose, sucrose, I'm sure you get it cause you seem to know the biological definition of a fruit.

Maybe it's a regional thing that caused it to become a misnomer, like americans determining what gets to be called fruit.
People generally associate plants that produce sweet tasting produce as fruits. Anything with significant amount of fructose, glucose, sucrose, I'm sure you get it cause you seem to know the biological definition of a fruit.

Maybe it's a regional thing that caused it to become a misnomer, like americans determining what gets to be called fruit.

Did you say fruit? :fruit::fruit::fruit::fruit::fruit:
depends on what kind and who made it.

If I don't make tomato sauce, I usually buy Classico tomato and basil as that has no sugar in it. The link and info is from the Classico web site

Tomato Puree (Water, Tomato Paste), Diced Tomatoes (Tomatoes, Tomato Juice, Citric Acid, Calcium Chloride), Salt, Basil, Garlic, Olive Oil, Onions, Dehydrated Garlic, Spice.

However, I must note here that some of it's products have added sugar so you need to read labels.
About a year ago I was a kitchen supervisor for a kids day camp in schenectady NY. The USDA food guidelines were crazy. They would send a worker once a month to make sure the children were getting the correct amount of vegetable, fruit, dairy, and meat ect. however, ketchup is still a veggie. Its kinda disgusting.
This makes me glad to know that I live in a city that serves ........


To all of the kids at all schools.
That's ok. My concern is whoever in the Congress came up with a proposed bill attempting to label tomato paste on pizzas as a vegetable. That's definitely the big deal. If I have kids, they would definitely eat my homemade lunches.

Okay, I see your point and I agree.
Pizza with colorful veggies on top is a very healthy meal!
I've read that most brands of tomato sauce are just tomato paste with corn syrup and water added.

I usually just buy a can of tomato paste and add my own water when I need tomato sauce. I freeze the left over tomato paste in an ice tray -- 2 tablespoons of tomato paste per section. IIRC, a six ounce can usually has about 12 tablespoons. (Most of my recipes usually are for 6 - 8 servings and 2 tablespoons of tomato paste plus water usually works.)

I have been able to find tomato paste without any added sugars.

Yeah, I can be a bit of a cheapskate. Why do you ask? :)

I use to make my own tomato sauce , but not now. I some time buy the sauce that salt free it has no sugar and I add my spices.
What's fucking wrong with you!

I ain't joke, also where I did state in bold? You are jump on wrong wagon.

I'm refer about government to regulate on school lunches.

You where not very clear by what you meant!! And I can type What's fucking wrong with you too!! How about that! I did not use bold in my comment so what the funk are you bitching about!!
If I don't make tomato sauce, I usually buy Classico tomato and basil as that has no sugar in it. The link and info is from the Classico web site

Tomato Puree (Water, Tomato Paste), Diced Tomatoes (Tomatoes, Tomato Juice, Citric Acid, Calcium Chloride), Salt, Basil, Garlic, Olive Oil, Onions, Dehydrated Garlic, Spice.

However, I must note here that some of it's products have added sugar so you need to read labels.

That is good to know , I buy classico sometime i did know they had a sugar free
sauce. I try to read the labels to see what in the food.
You where not very clear by what you meant!! And I can type What's fucking wrong with you too!! How about that! I did not use bold in my comment so what the funk are you bitching about!!

My post is clear but you have poor reading skill.
People generally associate plants that produce sweet tasting produce as fruits. Anything with significant amount of fructose, glucose, sucrose, I'm sure you get it cause you seem to know the biological definition of a fruit.

Maybe it's a regional thing that caused it to become a misnomer, like americans determining what gets to be called fruit.

Yeah, I'm a sucker for sweet plants. I think it is a misnomer, because tomatoes are easy to grow in the vegetable garden and in society, many Americans grow up eating salads such as green leafy, radish, carrots, onions, and... tomatoes.

The plants must be scientifically classified for a variety of reasons such as where it came from, how it grow in soils, what climate it can do to feed a plant. It definitely help scientists understand more about the biology/ anatomy of plants. The soil with right minerals and specific climate and weather play an important role in growing crops appropriately, and can prevent diseases and allergies.