Concern about SSI

It's better to find a job than have SSI while go college. It's classic, it works like charm.

However, there is another optional, volunteer for job that relate to your study field plus social network with same field, you shall have high chance to find a job, they're interesting in you.
nope. not apply for CI surgery. he said "deaf people with CI"...... which means they ALREADY had CI...

the government assumes you can hear almost like hearing people therefore... you don't need SSI. it's their job to make it difficult for people to get benefit otherwise.... the government would be very broke long time ago.

Thanks. now I get it, and agree. (about being broke)

Yeah, Jane B. Is correct in what she said about me living at home with my parents. Imperial valley college is a community college which is a lot cheaper than other colleges. I think deafdyke mean for the transfer to UCLA. Well I would transfer to CSUN if they have the major that I want, I think the major for computer animation artists is computer animation art(or media). I don't really have Harvard level ability, only close to that level. I kinda have a network but mostly throughout my family.

Hmmmm... check out CSUN as an option....I think that might be a good fit for you....It's exactly like having a dhh program at a hearing university.....So although you might not need extreme support, it's still BEYOND awesome to have dhh specific support......You know instead of dealing with crappy pen and paper notetakers, you'll get C-Print, and other really good accomondations....Also the social life is a bit better when interacting with dhh students......just a thought!
Ive read stories where kids have bought vans/busses and converted them to live in, camp out at the colleges (illegal some places) but gotta go undercover and keep it a secret.

Hmmmm... check out CSUN as an option....I think that might be a good fit for you....It's exactly like having a dhh program at a hearing university.....So although you might not need extreme support, it's still BEYOND awesome to have dhh specific support......You know instead of dealing with crappy pen and paper notetakers, you'll get C-Print, and other really good accomondations....Also the social life is a bit better when interacting with dhh students......just a thought!

MMM...thank you all very much and deafdyke, I checked CSUN very thoroughly and found out that they do have the major that I want (It was kinda hidden and I had to click on the art section and find it there.), so I have added CSUN as one of my options to transfer to.
Hey Foxrac, well yeah I think I do have time management, I just figured out that I didn't have to read the whole college textbooks, just a sentence of each sections of the chapter and the terms. The whole chapter would cost me 3 hours (sometimes I doze off so it'll be more). On monday and wednesday I have class from 1:30-3:00pm, but I take the transit bus and there are few options of time. I take the transit bus daily. Tuesday and Thursday I have school from 8:30-10 am. On Friday I have class from 11:35am-3:00 pm. I also have an online class. I'd go out looking for a job if I have a driver license.

So you're a full-time HOH student...who lives with your parents...and you want to try and collect SSI while in college?

I hate to tell you this but once graduate college, you want to go and apply for a job with your degree? Cool. However, what about references? Does the job require strictly business references or something else?

I hate to be such a downer on you but unless you absolutely need to be on SSI those for people in far worse situations. You seem to have a home with your family. Get a part-time job in the evenings (10-25 hours a week) and save money. Set time aside to work on homework and study before your 1:00pm class or before your evening shift after your 8:00am class. Work during the weekends, make those your long shifts.

Man, I can't fantom trying to go to school without working. I worked 30 hours a week and went full-time as an undergraduate student. I developed more responsibilities than just sitting around doing nothing. :shock: You need to chose between having social time (which is what most non-working college students do) and working on days you got class.

Unless you got major bills, only work as many hours as need to cover expenses and possible spending money/savings.
^^^^^ likes, and its true as its how most corporations in world sees it.

Its sad that many Deafies don't see that way, that is because most of them never been in working world to understand better and felt need to get stuck with SSI.

I wish I had found a job long long time ago and stick with it. I probably would have retired by now with more money from my disability check. I have very serious disability and in battle to get better once again and intended to get job again in near future. I hate sitting and do nothing most of the time. It SUCKS! I had to look for job soon because these disability check only pay little because I didn't have job to begin with long time ago. In other word, the earlier one get job, the better retirement and disability checks will come in. It is all about contributing to the society, the more one contribute to the society, the better return one will get, that is how it is.
So you're a full-time HOH student...who lives with your parents...and you want to try and collect SSI while in college?

I hate to tell you this but once graduate college, you want to go and apply for a job with your degree? Cool. However, what about references? Does the job require strictly business references or something else?

I hate to be such a downer on you but unless you absolutely need to be on SSI those for people in far worse situations. You seem to have a home with your family. Get a part-time job in the evenings (10-25 hours a week) and save money. Set time aside to work on homework and study before your 1:00pm class or before your evening shift after your 8:00am class. Work during the weekends, make those your long shifts.

Man, I can't fantom trying to go to school without working. I worked 30 hours a week and went full-time as an undergraduate student. I developed more responsibilities than just sitting around doing nothing. :shock: You need to chose between having social time (which is what most non-working college students do) and working on days you got class.

Unless you got major bills, only work as many hours as need to cover expenses and possible spending money/savings.

Well, why do you think I'm trying to find a job? There's no job available in my hometown, I downloaded a app called "inneed", there are jobs in other cities. So...I need a driver license to go and drive over to one of those cities. I don't think I need to have SSI, just that I'm looking to earn money(probably one that's worth a lot.) Also, about choosing which one social or work... mmm got to let you know, I don't really like choosing just one. I would rather balance it out, I hate to be stressed out or do nothing for entire day. Calculus always getting me stressed out, thank god I don't have to take that class again or the higher level classes. I guess that's why I've been looking to have a easy time. I would love to have a balance of working times and relaxing times. But thank you, you're not really being a downer on me. I understand it all too well. I guess when I get a job, I will figure out how to make it all balance out, work, school, and happy life.
^^^^^ likes, and its true as its how most corporations in world sees it.

Its sad that many Deafies don't see that way, that is because most of them never been in working world to understand better and felt need to get stuck with SSI.

I wish I had found a job long long time ago and stick with it. I probably would have retired by now with more money from my disability check. I have very serious disability and in battle to get better once again and intended to get job again in near future. I hate sitting and do nothing most of the time. It SUCKS! I had to look for job soon because these disability check only pay little because I didn't have job to begin with long time ago. In other word, the earlier one get job, the better retirement and disability checks will come in. It is all about contributing to the society, the more one contribute to the society, the better return one will get, that is how it is.

mmm...contributing to the society? I don't really see it that way, I don't really contribute anything I think... unless you count recycling or donations. I'd love to help people, or entertain them, but there always has to be something to do. Like at home even if I don't have a job. My grandparents are always going to ask me for help with technologies issues. I help look after my baby sis(I only don't know how to change her diaper) In high school, it was always easy to complete every tasks, except for senior year. Before I never really cared for education, even though I'm this intelligent. During high school years, my mind had been on girls and I joined weight training to be better looking(now I'm moderate looking, but I'm exercising again to get my strong body back). By my mind had been on girls, I meant that I was looking for the right girl, I was in a low self-esteem I think, but now I'm in a better self-esteem. I'm not exactly lazy, I can work hard. I'm more of a perfectionist.
While I think it's great that people can and do go to school and work and it is probably a good thing to do, Some people can't do that very well. I worked for 7.5 years then decided to change careers or at least at the time go for training in computer programming. I originally was going to do work full time and school part time. (I don't remember if part time work/full time school schedule came across my mind). The school program was a 7 month 'fast track' type- 7 months, class every day from 830-330/430 (don't remember now) five days a week.

In the end I quit my job and went to school full time. I was lucky enough I had saved up enough and some relatives did help out plus I was living with one at the time. I don't think I could have ever done both at the same time. While I was in college I did have a summer time job and sometimes did part time work (working with a deaf-blind student- oh irony considering I myself fell under that wide umbrella).

But only you can figure out if you can handle/balance school and work at the same time. I'm not so sure I could anymore...:(
So you're a full-time HOH student...who lives with your parents...and you want to try and collect SSI while in college?

I hate to tell you this but once graduate college, you want to go and apply for a job with your degree? Cool. However, what about references? Does the job require strictly business references or something else?

I hate to be such a downer on you but unless you absolutely need to be on SSI those for people in far worse situations. You seem to have a home with your family. Get a part-time job in the evenings (10-25 hours a week) and save money. Set time aside to work on homework and study before your 1:00pm class or before your evening shift after your 8:00am class. Work during the weekends, make those your long shifts.

Man, I can't fantom trying to go to school without working. I worked 30 hours a week and went full-time as an undergraduate student. I developed more responsibilities than just sitting around doing nothing. :shock: You need to chose between having social time (which is what most non-working college students do) and working on days you got class.

Unless you got major bills, only work as many hours as need to cover expenses and possible spending money/savings.

LIKE! This is very good advice .
While I think it's great that people can and do go to school and work and it is probably a good thing to do, Some people can't do that very well. I worked for 7.5 years then decided to change careers or at least at the time go for training in computer programming. I originally was going to do work full time and school part time. (I don't remember if part time work/full time school schedule came across my mind). The school program was a 7 month 'fast track' type- 7 months, class every day from 830-330/430 (don't remember now) five days a week.

In the end I quit my job and went to school full time. I was lucky enough I had saved up enough and some relatives did help out plus I was living with one at the time. I don't think I could have ever done both at the same time. While I was in college I did have a summer time job and sometimes did part time work (working with a deaf-blind student- oh irony considering I myself fell under that wide umbrella).

But only you can figure out if you can handle/balance school and work at the same time. I'm not so sure I could anymore...:(

Yeah, Everyone's different. Not like everyone can do the same thing, everyone can do it, but through their own ways.
Instead of calling myth buster I google up, and it took me just few minutes to get the link for you, there should be much more than that.,-CA-jobs.html

No job in your area? It is PURE HOGWASH!

Umm...what does Hogwash mean? I assume that mean what I was saying was a lie... I have the app "Indeed" I am using it on a daily basis and found no job available in Holtville, not El Centro, Calexico, or other cities that are like 30 miles away from where I live. I put Holtville as my main location. But thanks diehardbiker.
Instead of calling myth buster I google up, and it took me just few minutes to get the link for you, there should be much more than that.,-CA-jobs.html

No job in your area? It is PURE HOGWASH!

What would be the point of calling mythbuster up? LoL. Yeah, the link only provided jobs in locations that are about 30 miles away from Holtville.
What about restaurants? There are many retailers that needs positions filled, right? Arent they in demand to fill positions? Arent your hometown a ghost town? Hogwash is just another but nicer word for bs.

There are always opportunities out there and it does take some work to find one.
What about restaurants? There are many retailers that needs positions filled, right? Arent they in demand to fill positions? Arent your hometown a ghost town? Hogwash is just another but nicer word for bs.

There are always opportunities out there and it does take some work to find one.

These are true, for as long as I've been here, there is only two restaurant which are small compared to 2-4 rooms, only operated by small groups of people. The only retailer here is a hardware store, there is one market as well called "Del Sol". And a raspado store that recently opened up some months ago. There are some small stores like pizza store, 99 cent store, card store, and gas stop stores(7/11, AM/PM), some gyms, I've seen mostly industrial(factory, hardwares) behind all these stores. Barbershops and Insurances companies as well. So...not really a ghost town, Holtville have a lot of homes than stores. The stores/job opportunities are at the southern side of Holtville close to the park.
What would be the point of calling mythbuster up? LoL. Yeah, the link only provided jobs in locations that are about 30 miles away from Holtville.

Sound like you live in rural. It would be difficult to find job, they may not aware of disability. I'm against the idea for deaf who have poor sense while live in rural. It would be tough to get job. Urban/sub is best ideal to get job with assit of understandable disability from the service.
yeah, I would understand if the supply of jobs is limited. I wouldn't take "no job available" as it is generally not true because you could make or buy and sell something on E-bay, CL, etc. There are many ways to make money. Unless you got serious disabilities other than just Deaf. For me, I have multiple spinal injuries and they are no fun to deal with, and it does piss myself off hearing Deaf person saying "I can't find job" when that person's disability is just can't hear nothing. why pissed myself off? It is cause when I was younger, nothing was generally wrong with me, and I act like child can't find job, I could make a book for Deafies "1001 excuses for not able to find job". Now that I have more serious disabilities and my abilities were severely limited and I see the real picture behind this. I have told myself that I would have been better off if I contribute to the society for a long time, then there are chances I would be able to deal with my own multiple disables because I will get back from what I would have contribute and it would have much more returns.

These are true, for as long as I've been here, there is only two restaurant which are small compared to 2-4 rooms, only operated by small groups of people. The only retailer here is a hardware store, there is one market as well called "Del Sol". And a raspado store that recently opened up some months ago. There are some small stores like pizza store, 99 cent store, card store, and gas stop stores(7/11, AM/PM), some gyms, I've seen mostly industrial(factory, hardwares) behind all these stores. Barbershops and Insurances companies as well. So...not really a ghost town, Holtville have a lot of homes than stores. The stores/job opportunities are at the southern side of Holtville close to the park.