Compare Candidates

gnarlydorkette said:

Exactly Gnarlydorkette. No one, anywhere, has the right to impose their beliefs and opinions on others. And yet, that's what the Muslims are doing. Now, I'm not talking about ALL Muslims, I have Muslim friends that are for this war bcz they know that the people in the wrong are the Muslim extremists who are trying to impose their ideologies on the rest of the world. I'm talking only about the Muslim terrorists in Iraq that believe that anyone who is not a Muslim is instead an Infidel. Islam teaches that infidels must be put to death and that if a Muslim dies in that process, they will be sent to paradise and given 72 virgins for their enjoyment.
How many peopl died in the Towers? How many on the plane crash in Pennsylvania? How many in the Pentagon? WE WERE ATTACKED FIRST! How can you think it would have been better not to react? And yes, I know that Al Quada originated from Afganistan but they were being trained and given medical attention and money from Saddam in Iraq.
Also, every member of the UN believed that Saddam had WMD's and strong ties to terrorism. It wasn't just the US and Britain. And he did, only he had 12 years to move them out to Syria or wherever he has them hiding now bcz no one inforced the agreement that UN Inspectors would be allowed to be in Iraq.
VamPyroX said:

I'd rather have a liar who saves lives than a liar who loses lives.
Huh? Which "liar" saved whose lives???
netrox said:
Since a fetus is NOT yet born, he has no rights.

A fetus IS a LIVING thing not competely formed yet but still alive and has every right to live....

If abortion becomes legalized then alot more fetus/children will not have the right to live....


If abortion becomes banned then alot MORE fetus/children will have the right to live, if the unwanted mother gets an abortion somewhere else like in blackmarket or underground and the procedure happen to killed her then it would be her own fault in this, if an unwanted mother lived then she should be punished...
netrox said:
"Amendment XIV: All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

If someone murder a pregnant woman, then that person will be charge with two count of murders, ONE- the mother TWO- the that means the fetus does have the right!
Safety Devices on All New Guns: Strongly Favor (Kerry)Strongly Opposes (Bush)
Background Checks on Gun Show Purchases: Strongly Favor (Kerry) Somewhat Opposes (Bush)
Require Safety Course, License Before Gun Purchase Somewhat Favor (Kerry) Strongly Opposes (Bush)

Now you can see that Bush doesn't support Gun Controls. That is nonsense! That can cause more people worldwide dead. :crazy:
Cheri said:
Now you can see that Bush doesn't support Gun Controls. That is nonsense! That can cause more people worldwide dead. :crazy:
Neither Bush nor Kerry can control gun deaths worldwide; they can only influence gun control in the United States.

I agree with President Bush. Sen. Kerry wants to restrict other people from buying guns, but he can buy and use whatever he wants.
Y said:
I am so surprised that no one has
even look and compare Bush vs Kerry
For example, look at:

It isn't about us, Its about "we the people" It sounds selfish to think about ourselves what the President would do for us. It sounds unselfish if you think about every body.:)
Reba said:
Neither Bush nor Kerry can control gun deaths worldwide; they can only influence gun control in the United States.

I agree with President Bush. Sen. Kerry wants to restrict other people from buying guns, but he can buy and use whatever he wants.

It is about saving lives! Why would u want purchase a gun without background check, if somebody was a killer before, somebody could kill again and again and again.
Would you still vote Bush??????????

Look what the children lost their fathers to war.. That´s what Bush want?

Up to 70,000 soliders will transfer to Iraq from Germany where I work. Would you let soliders die there? What about their families?

Bush dont care about them but OIL and MONEY, that´s his own interest.


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Cheri said:
I do know women have abortion for the heck of it. I never said abortion is correct for those who do that.

You haven't read my posts in the past so I think u should not jump and put words in my mouth or head. :mad2:

Sorry, but I was responding to that one exact statement, "Abortion should be needed if women have medical problems and is in life dangerous," not all your past statements. That's all I can do. I did not try to put words in your mouth or head. You gave your opinion, and then I gave mine.

"Kerry says he believes abortion is wrong. His actions don't support his beliefs."
Why don't you ask John Kerry that question not me.
Well, this is the topic "Compare Candidates", so that is what we are doing. It wasn't a question, it was a statement showing that what Kerry says he believes, and what he does, do not always match.
Cheri said:
It is about saving lives! Why would u want purchase a gun without background check, if somebody was a killer before, somebody could kill again and again and again.
Killers (if they are not in jail where they belong) don't buy their guns at gun shows or stores. They steal them or buy them off the street illegally.

Every person who buys a gun at a gun shop, thru the mail, thru the internet, Walmart, or a gun show must go thru a background check. That is the law. If a person is a convicted felon, that person cannot legally buy a gun.
"A fetus IS a LIVING thing not competely formed yet but still alive and has every right to live...."

Just because it's a living thing does not grant him rights. Rights is a SOCIAL concept, not a biological concept. No animal, including humans, are born with rights. Since a woman is the one MAKING the baby and carrying it in HER BODY, she has the right to decide what she wants to do with it.

netrox said:
Just because it's a living thing does not grant him rights. Rights is a SOCIAL concept, not a biological concept. No animal, including humans, are born with rights.
The Founding Fathers of America believed that people were created with rights, as they stated in the Declaration of Independence:

"...We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness...."
Except for slaves. Slaves were considered property and thus did not have any rights.
Reba said:
The Founding Fathers of America believed that people were created with rights, as they stated in the Declaration of Independence:

"...We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness...."

Our country is NOT ruled by Declaration of Independence but rather by the U.S. Consitution.

Our founding fathers believed ONLY MEN ARE EQUAL. Do you agree? Their beliefs were totally wrong on that one.

netrox said:
Our country is NOT ruled by Declaration of Independence but rather by the U.S. Consitution.

Our founding fathers believed ONLY MEN ARE EQUAL. Do you agree? Their beliefs were totally wrong on that one.

The principles of the Declaration were the basis for the Constitution. The Constitution is the legal document that supports the ideals of the Declaration. There is no section in the Constitution that voids the right to life without due process of law.

"Men" means "mankind" which means "people".
Beowulf said:
Except for slaves. Slaves were considered property and thus did not have any rights.

True True....

I haven't thought of that one....

Even if the slaves had rights, they wouldn't be owned by the white people, and no such a freedom either...:(