Company selling hypoallergenic kittens



Genetically modified cats for sale
Wednesday, October 27, 2004 Posted: 9:46 AM EDT (1346 GMT)

The genetically engineered feline, which is expected to be available from 2007, is the first in a planned series of lifestyle pets, Los Angeles-based Allerca said in a press release.

Allerca hopes to attract customers among the millions of people worldwide who suffer from cat allergies.

Up to 10 percent of the U.S. population alone are believed to be prone to symptoms that can affect the eyes, nose, ears, throat, lungs and skin.

Many cat lovers ignore medical advice and discomfort and choose to keep the animals as pets, or use expensive medications to cope with their allergies.

Cat allergen is also one of the main causes of childhood allergies, asthma and other respiratory diseases such as bronchitis.

Cat allergies are caused by a potent protein secreted by the cat's skin and salivary glands. The allergen is so small it can remain airborne for months.

Using "gene silencing" technology, Allerca is able to suppress the production of the protein.

The first breed of hypoallergenic cats will be British Shorthairs, which are considered to be ideal pets with friendly, playful and affectionate personalities.

Allerca expects the first kittens to be born in early 2007 and is already accepting $250 deposits from interested customers.

Allerca president Simon Brodie told The Associated Press that he ultimately hopes to sell 200,000 of the cats annually at $3,500 each in the United States.

Brodie said the cats would be spayed and neutered to prevent breeding with naturally born animals.

He also said he didn't expect to have any problems with federal regulators after neither the U.S. Department of Agriculture nor the Food and Drug Administration objected to the creation of a genetically-engineered pet fish because it wasn't meant for human consumption

The GloFish, which went on sale in pet stores earlier this year, is a zebra fish implanted with a fluorescent sea anemone gene.

"As long as people don't start eating cats and they don't enter the food chain, then we should be handled like the GloFish," Brodie told the AP.

The genetic-engineered cat is the latest attempt to apply biotechnology to the lucrative pet industry.

In August, Genetic Savings & Clone -- another Californian company -- announced that it had successfully cloned two kittens from a one-year-old female Bengal cat and said it could clone anyone's pet for around $50,000.



Fortunately, I have no allergies to cats. :D But those kittens could be just what the cat-loving people with allergies are looking for! (That is, if they can afford them, lol.) :)
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Have scientists thought everything through? I wonder...

I actually just finished reading this article before signing into AD.

Odd what scientists can come up with, isn't it? I'm curious though whether or not by suppressing that protein that it won't negatively affect the cat. I love boyfriend has three who I love to play with. However, my mom is severely allergic to cats so when I see her, I have to be careful that I don't have that smell on me, otherwise she gets sick. It'd be nice if I could have a pet that she wasn't allergic too, but I'll probably have to wait a few years because they're selling those cats for a couple thousand dollars. They cost almost twice as much as my laptop. I'm also worried about what will happen if they not all of the cats are purchased as pets. I wonder if the people who are supporting this venture have accurately assessed all of the outcomes of genetically mutating living animals. Fish are one thing...cats are pretty different.
Hmm... interesting! I've got a few friends that could really use these!
Wow, well I am allergic to cat. I won't go on meds, but I wouldn't stop petting them or obtaining one later. I wasn't allergic as a child. Damn allergies...however it got in me! It just makes me itch, especially my eyes--wow. They clog my breath a little. I hate those allergies, we don't need hypoallergenic cats. We need a cure for allergies! Focus on that damn scientists wasting time. Who's gonna pay thousands for a hypoallergenic cat? Not me.
Lol. There are plenty of families out there who wants cats desperately and they can't afford to wait a few years for them to cure allergies. The kids will have grown up without a cat by the time they get around to it. Cats are one of the most amazing creatures on Earth and I can't imagine families without a cat or a dog. Those kittens are a good idea, just wait a couple more years and you might be able to afford one. Or better yet, get 2 and keep the kitties.
That sounds like a very good idea -- I'm sure it'll prospere and grow into a successful sell for those who are allergic to cats.
Although, I'm not allergic to cats...I still support the idea of having that done so people with allergies could be able to fufill their dreams of being a cat owner. :D Cats are the greatest thing to have in one's life.