'Company Policy: We are not hiring until Obama is gone'


Dream Weaver
Premium Member
Jul 26, 2009
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WACO, Ga. -- A west Georgia business owner is stirring up controversy with signs he posted on his company's trucks, for all to see as the trucks roll up and down roads, highways and interstates:

"New Company Policy: We are not hiring until Obama is gone."

"Can't afford it," explained the employer, Bill Looman, Tuesday evening. "I've got people that I want to hire now, but I just can't afford it. And I don't foresee that I'll be able to afford it unless some things change in D.C."

Looman's company is U.S. Cranes, LLC. He said he put up the signs, and first posted pictures of the signs on his personal Facebook page, six months ago, and he said he received mostly positive reaction from people, "about 20-to-one positive."

But for some reason, one of the photos went viral on the Internet on Monday.

And the reaction has been so intense, pro and con, he's had to have his phones disconnected because of the non-stop calls, and he's had to temporarily shut down his company's website because of all the traffic crashing the system.

Looman made it clear, talking with 11Alive's Jon Shirek, that he is not refusing to hire to make some political point; it's that he doesn't believe he can hire anyone, because of the economy. And he blames the Obama administration.

"The way the economy's running, and the way my business has been hampered by the economy, and the policies of the people in power, I felt that it was necessary to voice my opinion, and predict that I wouldn't be able to do any hiring," he said.

Looman did receive some unexpected attention not long after he put up his signs and Facebook photos. He said someone, and he thinks he knows who it was, reported him to the FBI as a threat to national security. He said the accusation filtered its way through the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security and finally the Secret Service. Agents interviewed him.

"The Secret Service left here, they were in a good mood and laughing," Looman said. "I got the feeling they thought it was kind of ridiculous, and a waste of their time."

So Bill Looman is keeping the signs up, and the photos up -- stirring up a lot of debate.

"I just spent 10 years in the Marine Corps protecting the rights of people... the First Amendment, and the Second Amendment and the [rest of the] Bill of Rights," he said. "Lord knows they're calling me at 2 in the morning, all night long, and voicing their opinion. And I respect their right to do that. I'm getting a reaction, a lot of it's negative, now. But a lot of people are waking up."

'Company Policy: We are not hiring until Obama is gone' | 11alive.com
Man, what a coward for reporting him for that sign. Besides, the coward got it backward.
Man, what a coward business owner for posting those signs on his trucks. Damned conservatives have no ethics, no morals, and are now trying to threaten people into voting their way. I hope they throw the book at this moron. Might as well throw it at him. I doubt seriously he could read it.

What is it with the conservatives and their need for negative attention?
Once Obama is gone, this business will magically be able to hire again? :lol: Now liberals know which company to boycott. The way things are going, I think it will be 4 long years for that company's employees if it should pick up business during Obama's second term.
What I believe has nothing to do with money, more of government regulations. There is too much regulations for him to handle and it has costing him money. He is simply protest this. I had to agree with him. Too many red tapes, too many regulation DOES scare business away. When one (Business owners) hires an employees, he/she faces tons of regulations that he/she has to follow.

That is part of reasons why many companies outsourcing America jobs overseas for years. There are some kinds of employee that can not be outsourcing. For example construction workers, that is where they can not go around the regulations.

I think government involvement needs to be seriously reduced. The bigger government, the more power they got, that was the opposite of the intention of George Washington's that founded our beloved country (Of course, he has some help from loyalist called Patriot).
What I believe has nothing to do with money, more of government regulations. There is too much regulations for him to handle and it has costing him money. He is simply protest this. I had to agree with him. Too many red tapes, too many regulation DOES scare business away. When one (Business owners) hires an employees, he/she faces tons of regulations that he/she has to follow.

That is part of reasons why many companies outsourcing America jobs overseas for years. There are some kinds of employee that can not be outsourcing. For example construction workers, that is where they can not go around the regulations.

I think government involvement needs to be seriously reduced. The bigger government, the more power they got, that was the opposite of the intention of George Washington's that founded our beloved country (Of course, he has some help from loyalist called Patriot).

What regulations are scaring him away from hiring, pray tell?

This is nothing more than a thinly veiled attempt at vote manipulation. If people have any sense at all, they simply won't use his company, and then he not only won't be hiring, he won't be running a company, either.
Try run your own business and hire employee and you will understand.

What regulations are scaring him away from hiring, pray tell?

This is nothing more than a thinly veiled attempt at vote manipulation. If people have any sense at all, they simply won't use his company, and then he not only won't be hiring, he won't be running a company, either.
Once Obama is gone, this business will magically be able to hire again? :lol: Now liberals know which company to boycott. The way things are going, I think it will be 4 long years for that company's employees if it should pick up business during Obama's second term.

Right. If he can't afford to expand and hire new workers then it must be because of the lousy way he runs his business. I mean, didn't the conservatives just gives us all a lecture in another thread about the fact that this country is full of opportunity and profit if people would only get off their butts and work hard?:D
I plan to open up my business next month if all goes well. I'm not going to stand around and wait till conditions are perfect to open business..
What regulations are scaring him away from hiring, pray tell?

This is nothing more than a thinly veiled attempt at vote manipulation. If people have any sense at all, they simply won't use his company, and then he not only won't be hiring, he won't be running a company, either.

Yup, the regulations are much unchanged from Bush Admin so new regulation usually applies bank and credit companies to prevent financial crisis that we had in 2008, however some states have stricter and too much regulation than at federal level.

There are plenty of construction workers in DC metro and the economy is slowly to rebound.

Many companies still get big tax break, even they outsourcing much of job positions.
Man, what a coward business owner for posting those signs on his trucks. Damned conservatives have no ethics, no morals, and are now trying to threaten people into voting their way. I hope they throw the book at this moron. Might as well throw it at him. I doubt seriously he could read it.

What is it with the conservatives and their need for negative attention?

Wow ... what a distortion!

I did not know people were having their arms twisted to apply for a job at that company!

Man - talk about bullying!

I see how it is your opinion that the right to protest only applies to liberals ....
Wow ... what a distortion!

I did not know people were having their arms twisted to apply for a job at that company!

Man - talk about bullying!

I see how it is your opinion that the right to protest only applies to liberals ....

Why bother to apply if they're not hiring?
@ Jillio: In any case, we would need to take a look at his financial statements (Balance Sheet, Income Statement and Statement of Cash Flows) to know how his business is doing.
Man, what a coward for reporting him for that sign. Besides, the coward got it backward.

yea what a coward for pepper-spraying and clubbing peaceful protesters who were lawfully and peacefully protesting
Wow ... what a distortion!

I did not know people were having their arms twisted to apply for a job at that company!

Man - talk about bullying!

I see how it is your opinion that the right to protest only applies to liberals ....

Yep, he's a bully all right. It seems to be the natural state of the conservative.

As ususual, you can't see any deeper than the surface. Why don't you go find someone you met once in a restaurant to get your back on this one, too.:roll:
yea what a coward for pepper-spraying and clubbing peaceful protesters who were lawfully and peacefully protesting

Exactly. This guy is having his free speech rights upheld by the very same members that want to deny same to the OWS protesters.:roll: