come see Sony's sexy PSP in action, baby! yeah!

Steel X

Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Sony's handheld system, Playstation Portable (PSP) is on live, baby! yeah! come watch this shit in action! whee!

Nintendo DS vs. PSP

Based on the attention and web news frency, last weeks top news was clearly the announcement of the Nintendo Gameboy DS portable Game Console.

Not much is known so far, but from what we can imply it would be surprising if it would be competing with the pre-announced Sony PSP. The Sony PSP is attractive to a new group of demographic that the Nintendo Gameboy is not reaching - 20 to 35 year olds. To be attractive to that target group the portable game console needs to be small, cool clean design, high performance and of course good games.
The Two screens of the Nintendo implies a bulky device, unless they have a very smart design. In an interview at GameInformer with the Nintendo USA Director of PR it says that the screens are vertically arranged.
So lets see if things change, when more information trickles in. Right now I am actually not that excited about the Nintendo DS. I have my bets on the Sony PSP.

PSP's battery life?

A recently scanned image from Popular Science hints at possible PSP battery life. While it is still not certain if this is completely genuine, the article seems to think so.

Battery life will be less when it is playing movies, currently lasting only 2.5 hours. Lifespan for games is 8 and for music is 10. Again, this could very well change in the future or be a little excitable rumor, but it’s the most concrete source about the battery life so far.

(let's just hope the PSP's battery life just wont suck like Sega's GameGear's battery life

More than 100 games has been announced for the PSP...damn can you believe that shit? lol games like Metal Gear Acid, Final Fantasy VII, and Gran Turismo 4 are in development for the PSP.

The battery life, the release date, and the price on the PSP weren't exactly spelled out from Sony yet but so far the PSP does look pretty cool and the games look just as sweet as it should so maybe the PSP might be a smackdown over the Nintendo DS.

What you think, guys? u wanna root for the PSP or the Nintendo DS?
I think I should try to get the PSP instead because of more "adult" games...

like Metal Gear Acid, of course, would possibly be rated "M" like the previous Metal Gear games were on Playstation 2 and GameCube.
Steel said:
I think I should try to get the PSP instead because of more "adult" games...

like Metal Gear Acid, of course, would possibly be rated "M" like the previous Metal Gear games were on Playstation 2 and GameCube.
That sounds like a good reason! :thumb: The same goes here for me. :)
strange thing is that the discs for the PSP would proably be about the same size as the GameCube cool.
Hey Hey Hey Steel....PSP gonna wipe off the sale of Nintendo DS big time...I think Nintendo DS is gonna be flushed big time with low of sale...PSP is gonna rules for the pocket game!!! I am looking forward to this!!!!
BigSpike said:
Hey Hey Hey Steel....PSP gonna wipe off the sale of Nintendo DS big time...I think Nintendo DS is gonna be flushed big time with low of sale...PSP is gonna rules for the pocket game!!! I am looking forward to this!!!!
dats right...PSP is gonna be so bitchin'! :P

I bet tons of those are gonna be sold out on day one since the PS2 was on launch more of the PS2s weren't shipped to the US until a year later after its first launch.
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Well, here's such sad, sad, and VERY sad news...the PSP was set orginally for March 2005, but there were afew problems with the techogoly of the that the battery life isn't long enough and stuff like that, so Sony is still working hard to improve the techogoly of the PSP before its release so they said that PSP worshippers would have to wait 'til NEXT fall of November 2005 (possibly around the same time that Xbox 2 is released) to be released into stores.

aw well...I'm still patient.

Analysts foresee PSP delay

Industry watchers PJ McNealy and Piper Jaffray & Co. think the US PSP launch may be pushed back as far as November 2005.
Sony's PSP is at "high risk" of a substantial delay--into next year for Japan, and perhaps all the way to November 2005 for the US market. That's the word from two separate memos sent on consecutive business days from noted industry analysts.

On Friday, PJ McNealy of American Technology Research published a report that questioned whether the PSP software shown at the Tokyo Game Show--much of which was only 50 to 60 percent complete--would be ready for the Japanese launch of the system, currently slated for this December. "The launch of the PSP in Japan this holiday season continues to be at risk," McNealy wrote. "If [Sony] misses the PSP Japan launch schedule, it could affect the announced March North American launch and would be considered a negative to the video game publishers."

McNealy went on to describe two "likely" scenarios for the Japanese launch of the system. The first was a December launch with a "disappointing" launch lineup of "approximately five or fewer titles." This would seemingly contradict Electronic Arts' announcement that Tiger Woods and Need for Speed would launch alongside the PSP in Japan and the US, although McNealy did note in his report that "not all targeted launch titles were likely shown at TGS."

The second scenario posed by McNealy was a delay into January or later. If this delay, McNealy notes, were entirely software-related, it might not affect the March launch in the US. But if there are indeed "hardware issues such as battery management," McNealy sees the US launch window slipping into June.

Meanwhile, Piper Jaffray & Co. paints an even gloomier picture for the PSP's launch ambitions. In a report released today, the securities firm expects the handheld "to launch later than the current March 2005 expectation. First, Sony is usually late with most product introductions…and we are hearing that the platform has other issues such as thermal problems (transistors are running very hot) and a very short battery life (90 minutes) that will almost certainly delay the launch." All this points to a November 2005 launch in the US (possibly alongside the next Xbox system), the report concludes.

With the targeted launch window of the PSP in Japan fast approaching, Sony is expected to reveal pricing and launch-date information in the near future.
nice lucky your living in japan. we americans expecting to receive approx. in the spring/summer 2005 from what i heard about 300 dollars
Lithium Ion battery will allegedly last for four to six hours for gameplay, on average, and four to five hours for movies, on average.

Just as what I suspected. Ain't buying this, plus I don't need a video player on a handheld console. It's just too much, period.

4 to 6 hours.... Nomad had around that much life battery depending on the title. So I wouldn't be surprised if some more powerful game would drain the battery life within 2 hours.

Now, the asking price?

They won't make it big. Remember all of the contenders against Game Boy died due to the high price and short battery life. Game Boy itself can go on for more than 10 hours on batteries. Sometimes even more.

Sony tried to pack too much for their handheld console debut. Close but no cigar.
I've read the previews of the PSP and I cant wait to get one with a copy of Gran Turismo 4 Mobile when it comes out. (that is after I get replacements for my old PS2 and xbox)

I've tried the Nintendo DS and I have to admit that it is pretty unusual having my left hand holding the stylus pen and manipulate the directional arrow at the same time....Crazy! But the kicker with DS is that it can play GameBoy Advance (but not classic GameBoy games) games. Playing the built-in demo of Metroid First doesnt do the GCN version much justice.

I had a Sega Game Gear and it was a pain in the ass to see battery drain that quick! But hell I got addicted to Sonic via the Game Gear that I ended up buying a Genesis just so I could get more Sonic games. That started snowballing into my interest in video games.
latest info:

Sony's PSP set for March U.S. debut

But company says it may have a hard time getting advanced chips for the handheld gaming device.
January 5, 2005: 6:38 AM EST

TOKYO (Reuters) - Sony Corp. will likely launch its new PlayStation Portable hand-held game console in North America and Europe in March, a top executive said Wednesday.

Sony has previously only said it will start selling the PSP, which can also play movies and music, in Europe and North America between January and March.

The company launched the PSP on Dec. 12 in Japan, where it sells for ¥19,800 ($190). It shipped about 510,000 units by Dec. 31 and aims to ship 3 million units worldwide by March 31.

"It will probably be March," Sony Computer Entertainment (SCE) president and CEO Ken Kutaragi told reporters at a gathering of business executives, responding to a question on when it would start selling the PSP in the U.S. market.

A spokesman at SCE, the company's game arm, said it would be giving a presentation on the PSP to reporters in Las Vegas later in the day at a site close to a Consumer Electronics Show.

"We'd like to launch in Europe during March as well. You've got Easter," Kutaragi said, referring to the Easter holidays in late March.

Sony hopes to pose a serious challenge in the portable game market to Nintendo Co. Ltd., which helped to pioneer the format with its Game Boy products.

Nintendo launched its latest handheld model, the Nintendo DS, in the United States on Nov. 21 and in Japan on Dec. 2.

It expects launch the DS in Europe in March and aims to ship 5 million units of the gadget -- which is the size of a paperback book with two screens and a wireless connection -- worldwide by March 31.

Kutaragi said sales of the PSP were very strong but that it would be a challenge for Sony to beat its 3 million unit shipment target due to difficulty in procuring enough key components such as advanced semiconductors.