College Campus– Deaf problems not addressed in forum


New Member
Oct 25, 2004
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I'm sorry that my first post is about me being upset with the administration at my school, but I wanted to get some feedback on an issue I just recently dealt with...tonight.

My college campus held an open forum entitled "Demand for Action". Being the first year student that I am and seeing the sign that said it was open to everyone. Eye to Eye, the Deaf awareness club at the college was said to be one of the sponsors. However, no one else showed up, not even the president of our organization. I had requested an interpreter and the service was available for anyone who asked, and yet, no one came to support the Deaf community.

A few facts about the campus: large Deaf Ed. graduate program, a couple of Deaf grad students on campus, and 2 undergrads who are hard-of-hearing. Now, this is a campus of 1600, so it is definitely a minority and I can understand and all, it being a Monday night, but still...

Is this just me being picky because I didn't know what to expect? or is there something deeper that might have caused the lack of concern?
That's usually to be expected. Here at RIT/NTID, most deaf-sponsored events lack hearing students. Most hearing-sponsored events lack deaf students.
There could be several reasons people did not show up. It could have been other plans, lack of interest, lack of motivation, or maybe no one was for sure what it was gonna be all about. Was it obvious that it was for everyone, not just the deaf ed. majors and deaf students? Also was it obvious it was THIS Monday night? Because I have seen many signs on my college campus that says the day with no date. But I dunno if that was old sign (last week) or new sign (this week), so I just dont go cuz I dunno when is the date for it.

Don't worry about it. Its in the past and I am sure you will move on over time.
ktdid2 said:
A few facts about the campus: large Deaf Ed. graduate program, a couple of Deaf grad students on campus, and 2 undergrads who are hard-of-hearing. Now, this is a campus of 1600, so it is definitely a minority and I can understand and all, it being a Monday night, but still...

So, which school was this?