College Assignment Help


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May 23, 2009
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Hi, this is Amy again. I have another homework assignment this week. The scenario that I am providing is just an example from a book. The book is entitled "Encounters with Reality: 1,001 Interpreter Scenarios. I would appreciate a deaf consumer's perspective on the scenario, in other words; how you would feel or what you would do.

The scenario is:

"At the doctor's office, the doctor tells his Deaf patient that she's expecting triplets and the patient is thrilled. She's so excited, she stops signing and only uses her speech to commnicate. However, it's intelligible to you and when you keep asking her to remember to sign, she says she can't, she's just too excited and nervous. She seems to have a million questions for the doctor, but you can barely make out what she's trying to say. In fact, the doctor is helping you put it together. You hate to dampen the moment, but her not signing affects your ability to do your job".
