


hope this isnt a :repost: :D

How many of you like cold weather? I was raised in Minnesota so I ABSOLUTELY love it. I love the snow, and the way it gets like 10 degrees above. I love the way fresh snow looks on the ground, and having snowball fights. Im the kind who'll go out in 30 degree weather in shorts (but i havent said for how long) and I just simply enjoy being outside when its cold.

How many of you are heat-lovers? I cant stand the heat cause I get overheated EASILY and I'll pass out. =/ Not very cool. However I like water balloons and you cant use those in the winter :D

whatcha think?
I like cold. But, I don't like AC which isn't nature cooler for me. It drive me crazy all the time!!!

Heat is no problem for me, I can stand like that.
I CAN'T stand HEAT! I need to be in cold or AC. I don't like winter when its gets VERY cold..
I love the coldness better than the "heatness." :P I just can't stand the heat during the summer, especially when being pregnant. :ugh: Spring and Fall are beautiful too, and I enjoy being outside in cool breeze some days.
jamie is aware that she is :crazy: but she decided that it is okay because she is still well loved. :)
I like heat ... dry heat that is. Not those humidity! grr..

I have been to texas and the heat is dry.. just what i like and that i can stand just fine.. But i'm in NY.. humidity goes up!

I love it cool and cold however not like freezing zero! AC is nice but sometimes it gives me chill if on for too long.
jamie not nuts jamie is cutie and wild in the snow, SHE EVEN WALKED OUTSIDE barefooted once for a little fresh air while i was outside smoking GAWD it was FREEZING there when i was traveling

me like in between cold and hot just the right tempture and a slight breeze im all GOOD for that and we have that RIGHT now outside which makes JAVA happy hehehe
Hehe, I live somewhere where it's pretty cold in Winter yet very hot in Summer. I LOVE SUMMER! I love being warm, although being too hot isn't fun and freezing in winter is no fun either. I've been to England where it's REALLY cold. It's like so cold you can't really move hehe. I don't mind the heat, but I hate the cold.

I'm soo lucky that I'm in california :cool: the weather doesn't kill me like I know it'll kill me if I ever come back to illinois :ugh: :twisted:
:P Purrs!!!!!!!!

i LOVED my visit in CA -- hope im there again next year in 2004 :D
Originally posted by Fly Free
:P Purrs!!!!!!!!

i LOVED my visit in CA -- hope im there again next year in 2004 :D

THEN u can be just toasty with the purrs LOL and not have to worry abt chattering teeths LOLOLOL~
Originally posted by Fly Free
hahahah Javapride

JUST remmy to call the fire department when things get tooo Spicy LMAO LMAO LMAO cuz who knows purrise's lips might make firecrackers LAMO LMAO LMAO LMAO!
I love to sleep in cold room... but it'd be better if I can keep the partner warm! :)