Coco Chanel was a Nazi spy, documents reveal


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Aug 10, 2012
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I watched Coco Avant Chanel a few years ago - and I felt like it glorified her to be this "wonderful" and "amazing" woman. Then I read the above article and it totally changed my mind. My Gran told me some stories about her dad (my great grandfather) who was the leader of the resistance against the Nazis in his village in Holland - and it makes me not want to own anything Chanel (not that I do now - could NEVER afford it haha).

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I saw this on tv last week...I love perfume but I think twice before buy it
I don't know if that is true or not. This is just media wanting to write in order to get bad news about celebrities going bad. I have never bought anything that Coco Chanel made for fashion clothing and perfumes because I thought they were expensive. It is because she was famous. Beside, us, Natives, don't buy them unless if some Native girls want to buy the products if they can afford it or them. :(