cochlear implant


New Member
Sep 21, 2008
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will this even be worth it if i can hear with hearing aids but speech just isn't clear?
Might be as long as you are a candidate. The CI can provide superior levels of hearing as compared to HA's in some cases. But there is much more for you to consider if you decide to go the CI route.
Have you already become a candidate , going through the process of qualification. Your doctor would really be the one to tell you if you would benefit.
It is my understanding that when a Hearing Aid DOESN'T HELP you than the consideration of Cochlear Implant is suggested. That is contingent on what is your Hearing Loss now? Your ENT doctor should be able to say exactly if an implant will assist you-now. Of course, the unknown will it "work" for you?

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
I was in a similar situation as the orig poster. I could hear with hearing aides but could not understand speech with them. My audi suggested the CI and I discussed it with her and my surgeon on what kind of outcomes can be had with the CI. It can and does help many people but not everyone receives the same outcome's. Like other had posted You need to be involved with your Dr's and they will be the ones who inform you on wether your a canidate or not.