Clothing styles/eras you want to see come back

I love goth, too, emo and punk!

I don't care about the clothes, i would just like to have the body I had in the '60's back again!
I like the grunge. Ripped pants, work shirt, and boots. Actually, that's pretty much my wardrobe. :shock:
cowboy/wild west style
Regency period empire waist would be nice. Maybe bellbottom pants just for fun.
I could dig bringing back the beatnik style, man. Would be far out.
hmm i think 1970's was cool, esp 1977-1979, Nomads shoes in the early 1980'a (in New Zealand) was cool too
steampunk is really goth just renew for those Post Generation-Y'ers they are taking piss on electronic and some sort of fantasy with 'steam' which supposedly represent the industrial revolution era, or perhaps just before it....romance with brass and copper , marbles and steam guages are common in this theme, even 'immortalising' is a part of it...
I have an original one from my grandma. I love it, but the sleeves are very short... Think it was the norm back then for the sleeves to be short?

I gave mine to a friend when I moved from Boston to California. My had a #1 in red on a sleeve. I was sorry I did that! We had this really great store in South End of Boston and could where clothes really cheap! My sister and I when there to buy our bell bottom pants and coats. The owner of the store would climb a ladder while we tried on our pants and the guy would pretend to be 'restocking the shelve' ! We knew the guy was watching us but we did not care, because he would be in a 'good mood' and let use buy the pants really cheap! No one never reported the guy as his prices where so damn cheap!
i gave mine to a friend when i moved from boston to california. My had a #1 in red on a sleeve. I was sorry i did that! We had this really great store in south end of boston and could where clothes really cheap! My sister and i when there to buy our bell bottom pants and coats. The owner of the store would climb a ladder while we tried on our pants and the guy would pretend to be 'restocking the shelve' ! We knew the guy was watching us but we did not care, because he would be in a 'good mood' and let use buy the pants really cheap! No one never reported the guy as his prices where so damn cheap!

I've always liked many of the dresses from the 70s - would love to see them make a comeback.
Personally I find the 20's-30's appealing. During the era of roaring twenties it seemed like everyone dressed classy in some sense. Even men dressed 'sharp'

But really I don't care much for fads or trends. People should wear want they wanna wear.
1885 clothing style like in Back to the Future part III. ;)