Clinton to N. Korea: There Will Be 'Consequences' for Missile Plan

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Mar 23, 2005
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Nuclear-armed North Korea warned Japan on Tuesday that intervening in Pyongyang's impending rocket launch would be considered an act of war.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Tuesday that North Korea's preparations to launch a missile are another example of it provocative behavior and Japan would have every right to defend itself.

"It is an unfortunate and continuing example of provocation by the North Koreans," Clinton told a news briefing at a conference in The Hague, Netherlands.

"There will be consequences" if North Korea launches a missile, she said, noting possible U.N. Security Council actions. "Japan has every right to protect and defend its territory."

Nuclear-armed North Korea warned Japan on Tuesday that intervening in Pyongyang's impending rocket launch would be considered an act of war.

North Korea says it will send a communications satellite into orbit on a multi-stage rocket between April 4 and 8. The U.S., South Korea and Japan think the communist regime is using the launch to test long-range missile technology, and they warn Pyongyang would face sanctions under a U.N. Security Council resolution banning the country from ballistic activity.

Japan has deployed battleships and Patriot missile interceptors off its northern coast to shoot down any rocket debris that the North has said might fall over the area.

Tokyo has said it is only protecting its territory and has no intention of trying to shoot down the rocket itself, but North Korea said it is not convinced and accused Japan of inciting militarism at home to justify developing a nuclear weapons program of its own.

If Japan tries to intercept the satellite, the North's army "will consider this as the start of Japan's war of re-invasion more than six decades after the Second World War and mercilessly destroy all its interceptor means and citadels with the most powerful military means," the North's official Korean Central News Agency said Tuesday.

China, North Korea's neighbor and often-estranged ally, continued to appeal for all the powers in the region to show restraint and "refrain from any action that would further complicate the situation," Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Qin Gang told reporters in Beijing.

But Japanese Prime Minister Taro Aso said he is ready to pursue punishment by the Security Council if North Korea fires the rocket, which already is on the launch pad.

"It would be crucial for the international community to make concerted action," Aso told a news conference after both houses of Japan's parliament passed a resolution strongly urging the North to forego the launch.

Daniel Pinkston -- a Seoul-based expert for the International Crisis Group think tank, which provides detailed analysis about North Korea -- said the communist nation has two underground nuclear warhead storage facilities near bases for its medium-range Rodong missiles, which are capable of striking Japan. The North is believed to have five to eight warheads, he said.

But he stressed it is unclear if the communist nation has mastered the technology necessary to miniaturize the warheads and put them on Rodong missiles, which have a range of 620 to 930 miles (1,000 to 1,500 kilometers).

The National Intelligence Service, South Korea's main spy agency, said it could not confirm Pinkston's claims.

Pinkston said he obtained the information from intelligence officials from a country or countries that he wouldn't identify.

"Their assessment is that North Korea has deployed" and assembled "nuclear warheads for Rodong missiles," Pinkston told The Associated Press.

Kim Tae-woo, a missile expert at the state-run Korea Institute for Defense Analyses in Seoul, said the North has been focusing on efforts to mount nuclear warheads on the Rodongs because the long-range Taepodong series has not been fully deployed yet.

"Rodong is the most likely weapon to be mounted with nuclear warheads," Kim said. He said it's also "natural" for the North to try to put a nuclear warhead on a missile with a longer range.

Two U.S. destroyers are believed to have departed from South Korea to monitor the rocket launch. South Korea is also dispatching its Aegis-equipped destroyer, according to a Seoul military official who asked not to be named, citing department policy.

North Korea claimed Tuesday that the U.S. and South Korea have conducted about 190 spy flights over its territory in March, including over the sea off the launch site on its northeast coast.

Further fueling tensions, hundreds of U.S. and South Korean troops conducted an air assault exercise Tuesday that the two countries have claimed is unrelated to the rocket launch. Pyongyang has strongly condemned similar joint drills in the South as preparations to invade the North.

The two allies conducted large-scale annual exercises for 12 days in March, prompting angry reaction from Pyongyang, including threats to South Korean passenger planes and repeated halts in cross-border traffic.

Adding to the complexity of the situation, the North announced Tuesday it will indict and try two American journalists accused of crossing the border illegally from China on March 17 and engaging in "hostile acts."

The North may try to use the detentions as a bargaining tool after the rocket launch, said Yang Moo-jin, an analyst at Seoul's University of North Korean Studies.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Clinton to N. Korea: There Will Be 'Consequences' for Missile Plan - Presidential Politics | Political News -
I'm not surprised about North Korea made violate with missile and tension on both of Japan and South Korea are getting worse, I hopefully both of them will work out to shoot at satellite and could possibly leading to act of war.

I hope that citizens in SK and Japan will be okay.
I would wonders if NK would cause any nasty warfare because of this situation and they could lose their sovereignty and result in reunification with SK after if we defeat NK.
I would wonders if NK would cause any nasty warfare because of this situation and they could lose their sovereignty and result in reunification with SK after if we defeat NK.

that's why it won't happen. even Generals won't listen to their leader. why risk everything over some war they know that they're going to lose? They're enjoying their wealth and corrupted life. If the leader ordered them to attack, then there's no doubt that there will be coup d'etat.
that's why it won't happen. even Generals won't listen to their leader. why risk everything over some war they know that they're going to lose? They're enjoying their wealth and corrupted life. If the leader ordered them to attack, then there's no doubt that there will be coup d'etat.

What? I need more detail on it and it could happen if NK is destroyed so badly and lose from war against Japan or SK?
What? I need more detail on it and it could happen if NK is destroyed so badly and lose from war against Japan or SK?

I'm just saying that North Koreans especially the military Generals & high-ranking officials are not that crazy enough to go into war with anybody because they know they will lose. They know their country will be wiped out.

Have you ever seen how they live? Who want to give up their lavish & corrupted lifestyles with beautiful women and Benz cars over some war that they will lose? If Kim Jong-il wants to fight, there will be coup d'etat by his own Generals and some high-ranking officials.
I'm just saying that North Koreans especially the military Generals & high-ranking officials are not that crazy enough to go into war with anybody because they know they will lose. They know their country will be wiped out.

Have you ever seen how they live? Who want to give up their lavish & corrupted lifestyles with beautiful women and Benz cars over some war that they will lose? If Kim Jong-il wants to fight, there will be coup d'etat by his own Generals and some high-ranking officials.

Oh, I got it and forgot to mention about NK could become anarchy country after wipe out by SK, Japan, US or other countries.

I'm just wait and see about what happen in several days.

Just similar to anarchy in Somalia.
I dont trust everything North Korea say.

There is no specific proof about this kind of thing they are doing or whatever. They say it is harmless but no proof to this. I dont trust them so Japan have every right to protect their terrority from this shit North Korea is pulling.
Well looks like the missile from North Korea failed as it landed harmlessly into the ocean.


At least no one got hurt thou. North Korea is a bunch of liars. :mad:
Well looks like the missile from North Korea failed as it landed harmlessly into the ocean.


At least no one got hurt thou. North Korea is a bunch of liars. :mad:

here's an interesting thing..... how do we know for sure? American government said it was an EPIC FAIL! but the NK said GLORY! GLORY! :dunno:

notice that UN said nothing about it? makes you wonder..... :hmm:
here's an interesting thing..... how do we know for sure? American government said it was an EPIC FAIL! but the NK said GLORY! GLORY! :dunno:

notice that UN said nothing about it? makes you wonder..... :hmm:

What do you think ? Me curious. Why silence from UN ?
What do you think ? Me curious. Why silence from UN ?

because UN Security Council is corrupted & flawed with commie comrade like China and Russia on board. There's no doubt that UN will eventually fall apart.

Sources say China, Russia Libya and Vietnam are blocking any resolution or punitive measures. They call for caution and restraint while the U.S. is calling for a strong and unified response.

Officials believe the most that could happen would be a Security Council presidential statement condemning the launch and a possible attempt to reaffirm existing U.N. sanctions on Pyongyang. They do not expect new sanctions to be imposed.
because UN Security Council is corrupted & flawed with commie comrade like China and Russia on board. There's no doubt that UN will eventually fall apart.


Ah, ok -- so, umm it apparently that the North Korea President don't want to cooperate with other countries who don't want to start war ? I never like North Korea President. I've heard alot about him -- gee, he is very dangerous man. I also read one magazine ( Newsweek ) long time ago about him and how his prison guards hurt prisoners. It's more like Inquistion, if ya know ?? I mean, really horrible things they did to the prisoners. Very few of them still alive and accounted their ordeals at court in U.S. I am not sure where that was, but I've read their stories. It was really horrible. It was worse than you would ever imagine. Worser than our American prisoners here in America. I am glad I live in U.S., not in North Korea.
Ah, ok -- so, umm it apparently that the North Korea President don't want to cooperate with other countries who don't want to start war ? I never like North Korea President. I've heard alot about him -- gee, he is very dangerous man. I also read one magazine ( Newsweek ) long time ago about him and how his prison guards hurt prisoners. It's more like Inquistion, if ya know ?? I mean, really horrible things they did to the prisoners. Very few of them still alive and accounted their ordeals at court in U.S. I am not sure where that was, but I've read their stories. It was really horrible. It was worse than you would ever imagine. Worser than our American prisoners here in America. I am glad I live in U.S., not in North Korea.

All communist countries have horrible human rights, same goes with government under Islamic Republic are horrible too, including Libya.

Cuba is one of communist country is treat so better than all other communist countries.
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