CI's or Surgical Hearing Aids


New Member
Oct 2, 2005
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Does anyone here know anything about these? How about the SHHH website, as I notice that if you don't buy their brand, your thread gets booted out. I need to find out more information about all of this and, no, I am NOT contemplating having this procedure done, as I've been told by a very reliable source that the surgical hearing aids are very risky and they don't work. Can anyone else elaborate on this or anything else? I think these people on SHHH are being suckered into a sales pitch by a few moderators that are over there. No, this is not a flame.
:jaw: Pek..........WOW, I thought I was the ONLY one over there who thought that it reeked of a sales pitch over there!!!!! I sit there and think " Did I just hear a commerical?" Most folks over here really dislike the SHHH site, especially as it seems to have been taken over by militant Radio Shack Gadget Catalog Devotees!
And actually SOME of them are OK and very moderate about how much the CI has improved their life......but some of them....*shakes head*
Somehow, "surgical hearing aids are VERY (caps are mine) risky and they DON'T (caps are mine also) work" smacks of a toxic, irresponsible proclamation against the backdrop of governmental approval for such a procedure. What's going on? Probably just a one-sided view by a loose cannon and not to be taken seriously, methinks.
i never thought of SURGICAL hearing aids, but I am planning on getting better hearing aids by '06...
Just out of curiousity, does somebody have a link to these things? I sure don't need them but I like to be up to date on this stuff and be able to have an informed opinion.

sr171soars said:
Just out of curiousity, does somebody have a link to these things? I sure don't need them but I like to be up to date on this stuff and be able to have an informed opinion.


Me too. :) I'm curious....the "surgical" hearing this the same as hearing aid implants like in this link: ....but are totally different than CIs?

I rather have the traditional hearing aids like I always have....I read somewhere that if you have an hearing aid implant, you cannot get a CI later on because you have already had ear surgery.....that's why I rather go from traditional hearing aid to CI later on when the time comes. :)
surgical hearing aids are VERY (caps are mine) risky and they DON'T (caps are mine also) work" smacks of a toxic, irresponsible proclamation against the backdrop of governmental approval for such a procedure. What's going on? Probably just a one-sided view by a loose cannon and not to be taken seriously, methinks.
Tousi, it says that the Envoy (I think that's the one that the OP's complaining about) isn't FDA approved....Go check out SHHH's site. They are kinda extreme about how wonderful the implant is........UGH! It's almost as bad as the "CI is the Eighth Wonder of the World" types.
Also, I don't get why the sound is suppposed to be more nautral. ITEs are supposed to be more nautral sounding b/c of the placement of the mic being closer to the eardrum.......but I mean I've worn both ITEs and BTEs, and there's really no difference.
deafdyke said:
Tousi, it says that the Envoy (I think that's the one that the OP's complaining about) isn't FDA approved....Go check out SHHH's site. They are kinda extreme about how wonderful the implant is........UGH! It's almost as bad as the "CI is the Eighth Wonder of the World" types.
Also, I don't get why the sound is suppposed to be more nautral. ITEs are supposed to be more nautral sounding b/c of the placement of the mic being closer to the eardrum.......but I mean I've worn both ITEs and BTEs, and there's really no difference.


You & I have written back and forth on an hoh, I was asked a couple of weeks ago by a student in my class for my opinion on CI's. This is what I said:

"To give you some background on myself so you know where I'm coming from.
First, I've worn hearing aids for most of my life, 31 years to be exact, and I
have a severe hearing loss in both ears.

Second, I have been asked about this and if I could have them and the answer is no, because my loss is too far in and is too risky of an operation. There would be no promises.

Third, I have a "naughty" response and a "nice" response and I'll give you
both. You need to know that hearing professionals are not united in their
opinion, as I was a pre-audiology major at Minnesota State University-Moorhead when I came back to college in 2002.

Parents are not united, either. With that, I believe, parents want a "quick
fix" for something that is normal TO THE CHILD. The parents, naturally, want
their child to be "like them." They want their child to "hear" as they do.
THEY (THE PARENT) attach a negative stigma on a hearing loss in a child and
want that fixed, no matter the cost (having a ci is NOT cheap). The parents
refuse to deal with the reality that their child cannot hear and thus, single
them out and have this done on them, often when they're quite young. This
is my "naughty" response.

My "nice" response is that I believe the ci is too young at this stage in the
game to determine if they're a success. For example, a person does not stop
growing until xx years of age, let's say. Well, the ci is surgically attached
below the scalp and in the brain area. It is to my understanding that when
a child is born, they are not born with an adult-sized head. The head will
expand with age as the child grows. Thus, the attachments in the head with
the ci, I believe, are too risky. The child or adult that has this done is a
geneau pig and should wait until the FDA approves it. For health reasons, I
do not recommend or approve of cochlear implants. I do not recommend ci's
done on anyone, regardless the age.

In case you're asked, let me tell you that hearing aids are not a "cure all" and they do NOT give the person "normal" hearing, whatever that means to the
individual. The child or adult is still considered either hard-of-hearing or
deaf. "Deaf culture" is totally different and they would never approve of ci's, people having them done...

In any case, I do recommend that people that have ci's learn ASL (American
Sign Language), not SEE (Signing Exact English), as they will have another way of communicating."

Anything anyone want to contribute? Am I "all wet" or what, please let me know.

grrrrr i am not perfect for surgical hearing aids and it's for hoh
deafdyke said:
Tousi, it says that the Envoy (I think that's the one that the OP's complaining about) isn't FDA approved....Go check out SHHH's site. They are kinda extreme about how wonderful the implant is........UGH! It's almost as bad as the "CI is the Eighth Wonder of the World" types.
Also, I don't get why the sound is suppposed to be more nautral. ITEs are supposed to be more nautral sounding b/c of the placement of the mic being closer to the eardrum.......but I mean I've worn both ITEs and BTEs, and there's really no difference.

In addition, this is a copy of an email I received from Melissa Rogers at Hearing Planet:

"From: "Melissa Rodgers" <>
To: "Pete" <>
Subject: RE: HearingPlanet...It was a pleasure talking to you today. This information may help. CRM:{C9AEA8E4-4FF8-41AE-9290-F4FAADC6966E}:MRC
Date: Fri, 6 May 2005 07:49:20 -0500


Here is a link that you may want to look at. What I do know is this,

1.) There is little information to be found on it.

2) There have been two attempts at developing and marketing a surgically implantable hearing aid over the past several years and both have failed miserably.

3) Before having an invasive procedure that has astronomical surgical costs, try a non-occluding product like the Resound Air or Metrix, another proven device first.

I hope this helps."
deafdyke said:
Tousi, it says that the Envoy (I think that's the one that the OP's complaining about) isn't FDA approved....Go check out SHHH's site. They are kinda extreme about how wonderful the implant is........UGH! It's almost as bad as the "CI is the Eighth Wonder of the World" types.
Also, I don't get why the sound is suppposed to be more nautral. ITEs are supposed to be more nautral sounding b/c of the placement of the mic being closer to the eardrum.......but I mean I've worn both ITEs and BTEs, and there's really no difference.

Deafdyke, okay, that's completely different. If it's not been FDA approved, why are we even talking about it?
You & I have written back and forth on forums...
We have? Who are you? PM me!
I'm not totally anti-CI......I think they are OK for kids with auditory nereopathy and the few cases where hearing aids are not totally sucessful.....But I do agree with you that they are being promoted as a "healthy nomal" cure...... and there are people who are getting them who are buying into the hype about them. Like I read in Volta Voices about a guy who is thinking of getting them so he can hear better in noise? I know of another guy who can hear 80% with hearing aids, who is thinking of getting them?!?!?!
Tousi, we're talking about this b/c of hype on another forum.....ALL their posts are "Envoy is so WONDERFUL....Get the Envoy!" or "YAY! Analog aids suck.....Digitals are the BEST!"......It's like being stuck in a forum of Radio Shack Gadget Addicts (This gadget does something 1.2 miliseconds faster then the old kind....Therefore the old one is OBSOLTE and HORRIBLE!")

You guys are so right about SHHH. I'm sick of ONE person over there controling everything. If they dont agree or like what you post it gets booted. I got kicked off for a week because a hypocrite administrator was jealous of the attention me and my little girl were getting. My daughter and I are two of the people there who've had the ENVOY implanted.
Ha ha i think it's fair to say i think HE and SHHH are like, coming together and trying to take over.
About the Envoy

I had the Envoy implanted in May. My daughter and I have been HOH since birth and have worn H/As most of our lives. While the device hasn't given us "perfect" hearing it is a great improvement. My S/R score went from 62% to 90%. I hear a lot of sounds I couldnt hear with aids. Hope you guys will keep an open mind about it. Theres only been 38 people in the US implanted so I guess thats why you haven't heard much about it. I'll be glad to answer your questions if you want to know more. Beware SHHH( :asshole: )( :liar: )!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:wtf: Breezy, I think you need to read my post again. I'm one of those who are SICK of SHHH and looking for a new home.
JeffGottaGo said:
:wtf: Breezy, I think you need to read my post again. I'm one of those who are SICK of SHHH and looking for a new home.

I know that, that's why i posted. I don't think my post was clear enough, what i meant by saying SHHH and HE are becoming one in the sense that they're becoming so focused on CI's and shunning out all the other technologies that are out there. HE is short for Hearing Exchange (this evil awful site) i didn't mean HE as in YOU. Sorry, and please don't swear at me i'm actually kinda offended by that.
My S/R score went from 62% to 90%. I hear a lot of sounds I couldnt hear with aids. Hope you guys will keep an open mind about it. Theres only been 38 people in the US implanted so I guess thats why you haven't heard much about it. I'll be glad to answer
That's good....but I think that as with hearing aids and CIs, results from an Envoy will vary. I mean I LOVE....and I mean LOVE my Phonaks, but some other people with my exact same audiogram might not hear as well with them.
Me, I'm being healthily skeptical about the Envoy....I'm probaly not even eligable b/c I have a conductive loss.
I do think that people should have healthy skepticism about new medical devices.
It's great that we have so many anti-HE and anti-SHH board people....maybe Alex should start a new forum devoted to complaing about those two places!