Cigarettes prices.

Cigarettes price will be raising ten dollars of each brand. Unbelievable. It was on the tv the other day. They're doing so to get you to pay debts for president or to get you to quit smoking. Something like that, well nothing is going to stop me from smoking. If they are going to raise higher for all cartons than my budget. Then, looks like I am going to use a bag and mask although I desperately hate thief.

If this is true, then GOOD! I am tired of breathing second hand smoke from other people smoking at the bus stops and in other apartments. I had a neighbor who I share a wall with, and her smoke would come through the vents into my apartment. I would cough so much, but I found out a way to reduce the stink and to help me breath better - a bowl of vinegar in each room...I swear by it! But then she moved away two weeks ago, and I have not smelled cigarette smoke ever since, and I am happy, even though I miss her - she was a good neighbor, very friendly.

Maybe the $10 a pack will get people to decide to quit smoking just because they cannot afford it. Then maybe there will be less people dying of lung cancer. My good friend Mike died from lung cancer last May. They gave him a year, but he only lived two more weeks. I didn't even get a chance to say goodbye. :( And now my other friend's mother has just been diagnosed with lung cancer, and she started Chemo today. But from what I understand, they caught the cancer early, so hopefully her prognosis will be good...but unfortunately, she is about 68 or 70 years old, so she may not be able to survive the tough chemo treatments. My friend feels that her age is against her in this case. :( I just found out Sunday, and I gave my friend a big hug and I told him to tell her that I hope she gets better, and to hang in there, and that she is in my thoughts, even though I have never met her. My friend has a 14 year old son who is close to my friend's mother...and what makes it so hard on the 14 year old is that his own mother died of cancer when he was about 9 years old. She fought 5 different kinds of cancer over a period of 5 years, and then she ended up with brain cancer. That did her in, and I think she went to hospice or something, and passed away. It sounds like it was so hard on the 14 years old. I am going to make myself available to the 14 year old son if he ever need to talk about it, cause I know what it is like to lose a loved one, especially one's own mother, as I lost my mother when I was 9 years old. My ex-roommate's sister's fiance's father died from lung cancer in I think 2004 from second hand smoke (he has never smoked in his entire life).

I really wish everybody would stop smoking. I hope the higher price will encourage more people to quit. That would make me happy. VERY HAPPY.
I for one will not stop smoking just cause the laws tell me that I can't smoke in my car with children, or we can't smoke in public places. I am ADDITED to smoking. It is a choice I man 16 years ago to make. By trying to force me to quit smoking will only piss me off (and I'm sure with aother additics). I'm sick of going into a nice place to eat and they serve beer there. HOw is it fair that they can serve beer to someone who is apperently going to get into their cars and possibably kill someone on their way home? It's not..Leave the freaking smokers along!! It is our choice and our right as an American. And if I'm forced (not sure about others) to quit it won't be good on me or my children. I am addited and what happens to people that have to go through substance abuse with's not pretty. I enjoy smoking, I enjoy my 5 minute time out outside, I enjoyed being the only one that got a 15 minute break at work b/c I was a smoker.
I for one will not stop smoking just cause the laws tell me that I can't smoke in my car with children, or we can't smoke in public places. I am ADDITED to smoking. It is a choice I man 16 years ago to make. By trying to force me to quit smoking will only piss me off (and I'm sure with aother additics). I'm sick of going into a nice place to eat and they serve beer there. HOw is it fair that they can serve beer to someone who is apperently going to get into their cars and possibably kill someone on their way home? It's not..Leave the freaking smokers along!! It is our choice and our right as an American. And if I'm forced (not sure about others) to quit it won't be good on me or my children. I am addited and what happens to people that have to go through substance abuse with's not pretty. I enjoy smoking, I enjoy my 5 minute time out outside, I enjoyed being the only one that got a 15 minute break at work b/c I was a smoker.

Nor will most stop smoking just because the government attempts to force them into it. To even think that tactics such as this are effective is naive. Do junkies stop shooting heroin just because it is illegal or expensive? Get real people. When you are dealing with smoking, you are dealing with an addiction. There are ways to treat addictions that are effective and ways that aren't. You cannot force anyone to give up an addiction until they are damned good and ready to do so. Logic doesn't work, shaming doesn't work, maiking it more difficult doesn't work, and making it illegal doesn't work.

Not to mention which, the government receives more taxes off of smokers than any other population in the United States. They subsidize the tobacco farmers to keep the production going so they will continue to receive the billions in taxes that smoking brings in. It is a legal activity. It supports the government through tax subsidies. I am sick and tired of people deciding that violating the civil rights of smokers to engage in a legal activity is acceptable.
Nor will most stop smoking just because the government attempts to force them into it. To even think that tactics such as this are effective is naive. Do junkies stop shooting heroin just because it is illegal or expensive? Get real people. When you are dealing with smoking, you are dealing with an addiction. There are ways to treat addictions that are effective and ways that aren't. You cannot force anyone to give up an addiction until they are damned good and ready to do so. Logic doesn't work, shaming doesn't work, maiking it more difficult doesn't work, and making it illegal doesn't work.

Not to mention which, the government receives more taxes off of smokers than any other population in the United States. They subsidize the tobacco farmers to keep the production going so they will continue to receive the billions in taxes that smoking brings in. It is a legal activity. It supports the government through tax subsidies. I am sick and tired of people deciding that violating the civil rights of smokers to engage in a legal activity is acceptable.

I'm just wondering if they by chance make it illegial to smoke how many of us will risk breaking the laws? How many will be pissed that they will do something bad? I am not ready nor do I want to quit smoking. I enjoy it, I enjoy the releif from stress it gets me. It is my right to smoke, drink etc. I choose not to drink does that give me the right to say I don't want drinking in my favorite food place, or I don't want my neighbors drinking? Why is it just the smokers

By the way my senior year of High school I was in debate and Smoking is one subject I debated all the way through. GRRRR
Lol. That would definitely either slow down or quit them from smoking. Someone told me that it was like 70 or 80 dollars in new jersey or new york. Can't remember which one and that they always purchase it. So I doubt it's going to quit them unless they are absolutely broke.

Glad I am not broke so I'll be still smoking and buying them. Just too high price, that's all. Beside I smoke 5 cartons a month that will be out of my budget so I'll just cut down one carton and just buy 4.

My mom fiance already slowed down a lot on cigarettes. There's already a raise on Marlboro now, a dollar. They're slowly raising though. He smoke like a pack in three to four days. Me. Well, 3 - 4 packs a day. Lol.

In NY or NJ that is probably for 1 entire carton not one single pack.

5 cartons a month is a hell of a lot. I used to smoke, and I used to smoke 1 pack a day, about 3 1/2 carton a month. But I quit in early 2006. I am glad I quit. I don't want to get lung cancer. I hope I never get lung cancer.

You smoke 3 to 4 packs a day?! Yikes. You're definitely going to develop lung cancer one day if you don't stop. Seriously. You're slowly killing yourself. It's like non-intentional/non-conscious suicide. You smoke, but you're not fully aware that you're slowly killing do know, but you don't really think about it when you light up a cigarette. I urge you to quit. It won't be easy, but you can do it. If I did it, you can do it, too! I encourage you to quit. It'll be better for your health, and you'll see how much better you breathe and how much less you cough within 6 months of quitting. Seriously.

If you're having anxiety or stress issues that is making you need to smoke, then I suggest therapy for you. It can really help with your anxiety and you can learn ways to de-stress without smoking. Really.
I for one will not stop smoking just cause the laws tell me that I can't smoke in my car with children, or we can't smoke in public places. I am ADDITED to smoking. It is a choice I man 16 years ago to make. By trying to force me to quit smoking will only piss me off (and I'm sure with aother additics). I'm sick of going into a nice place to eat and they serve beer there. HOw is it fair that they can serve beer to someone who is apperently going to get into their cars and possibably kill someone on their way home? It's not..Leave the freaking smokers along!! It is our choice and our right as an American. And if I'm forced (not sure about others) to quit it won't be good on me or my children. I am addited and what happens to people that have to go through substance abuse with's not pretty. I enjoy smoking, I enjoy my 5 minute time out outside, I enjoyed being the only one that got a 15 minute break at work b/c I was a smoker.

I guess you're not aware that smoking leads to lung cancer? And what if you develop lung cancer while your kids are still kids? And if chemotherapy doesn't help...then what? They'll lose their mother. Is that fair to your kids?
Good! Im a non smoker, but my whole family smokes. Well, my sister has stopped since she had a new baby (her fourth!) she was very good as she didn't want to harm her unborn baby by smoking or breathing in people's second hand smoke.

My mum also cut back her smoking recently, for her health.

Im not against smokers, but I hate it when addicted smokers are so selfish, they think it's their right to blow smoke into people's face in dining rooms/clubs etc. Besides being offensive, it also is second hand smoke for those non smokers. Be funny if non smokers died of cancer because some selfish people blew smoke into their faces!

Many people are addicted to smoking yet they are able to quit when they take some positive action to try to quit. Those that are too lazy or can't be bothered, are the ones that is seriously addicted and won't give up smoking just because 'someone told them to quit'.

It's fine for people to smoke out in public, but why should non smokers have to cop ashes on their dining room table and choking in the polluted air when they don't have to?

I don't think people should tell other people what to do, everyone should have their freedom to choose, but I do think that some consideration by smokers should be shown to those non smokers in enclosed spaces.
I am very concerate (sp?) about my smoking. I ALWAYS ask when I'm with a group of people if it's going to bother them. If they say yes I step away. I NEVER blow my smoke in peoples faces and I try very hard not smoke around non smokers. We all know the risk of smoking and shouldn't be pushed in our faces all the time. Nor should we have to listen to people telling us to quit. We will quit when we WANT to, not b/c they are taxing the hell out of us or not b/c someone told us to.
I guess you're not aware that smoking leads to lung cancer? And what if you develop lung cancer while your kids are still kids? And if chemotherapy doesn't help...then what? They'll lose their mother. Is that fair to your kids?

I'm very aware of the risks that comes about smoking. I am also aware of the danagers. I also believe that ANY smoker is aware of these risks and it does nothing but piss people off to be attacked because we have an addiction and we smoke. Speaking of smoking I think I need another cigarette. It's funny how more you want to smoke when people attack you because you smoke..brb going to go kill myself slowly
I seriously cant tell which is worse...smoking or drinking thou both are still partly "hazardous" to human health.

When drinking as it involves acholo, it CAN destory various brain cells as releasing some other types of chemicals into your body so same with cigarettes which actually holds over 4,000 types of chemicals such as rat posion.

Smoking can slowly kill you, make you age faster, and later on have difficulity of breathing and such.

My dad, who I dont even see in around 10 years, is a VERY heavy smoker and the last time I saw him he was very skinny and had all silver/gray hair and he still smokes like crazy. When I was a boy, he was much different. He was abit chubby and had brown hair and obviously younger too. So yeah...with smoking, it can really change your look as when you smoke ALOT of it. One of my friends from high school has been smoking since middle school from then to now and he is very skinny and I am pretty concerned of him possibly catching lung cancer early in his years but of course there wasnt really anything I can do to help him althou he KNOWS the risks of cigarettes so that's his problem.

Now...about drinking, most people died from car crashes when it usually involved a drunk driver. There is indeed a law passed that you can NOT drink and drive/operate a car and yet some people ignored the law and still do what they wish to do and yet someone gets seriously injuried or killed in the wreck. The law has obviously stated that you must be 21 to drink...while the law states you must be 18 to smoke.

This is pretty fucked up eh? Well the only thing that everyone should know when doing those things such as smoking and drinking is using RESPONSIBLITY.
I seriously cant tell which is worse...smoking or drinking thou both are still partly "hazardous" to human health.

When drinking as it involves acholo, it CAN destory various brain cells as releasing some other types of chemicals into your body so same with cigarettes which actually holds over 4,000 types of chemicals such as rat posion.

Smoking can slowly kill you, make you age faster, and later on have difficulity of breathing and such.

My dad, who I dont even see in around 10 years, is a VERY heavy smoker and the last time I saw him he was very skinny and had all silver/gray hair and he still smokes like crazy. When I was a boy, he was much different. He was abit chubby and had brown hair and obviously younger too. So yeah...with smoking, it can really change your look as when you smoke ALOT of it. One of my friends from high school has been smoking since middle school from then to now and he is very skinny and I am pretty concerned of him possibly catching lung cancer early in his years but of course there wasnt really anything I can do to help him althou he KNOWS the risks of cigarettes so that's his problem.

Now...about drinking, most people died from car crashes when it usually involved a drunk driver. There is indeed a law passed that you can NOT drink and drive/operate a car and yet some people ignored the law and still do what they wish to do and yet someone gets seriously injuried or killed in the wreck. The law has obviously stated that you must be 21 to drink...while the law states you must be 18 to smoke.

This is pretty fucked up eh? Well the only thing that everyone should know when doing those things such as smoking and drinking is using RESPONSIBLITY.

That's my point!! They come down hard on us smokers b/c of the risks to us and others but nothing is EVER said about drinking. I'm sorry just like ya'll with our smoking, I don't want to be around drunk people and I certainly don't want to be in a car crash with a drunk. SO why can't they go after the achol. as well?? You can't come down on one group of people..
Nor will most stop smoking just because the government attempts to force them into it. To even think that tactics such as this are effective is naive. Do junkies stop shooting heroin just because it is illegal or expensive? Get real people. When you are dealing with smoking, you are dealing with an addiction. There are ways to treat addictions that are effective and ways that aren't. You cannot force anyone to give up an addiction until they are damned good and ready to do so. Logic doesn't work, shaming doesn't work, maiking it more difficult doesn't work, and making it illegal doesn't work.

Not to mention which, the government receives more taxes off of smokers than any other population in the United States. They subsidize the tobacco farmers to keep the production going so they will continue to receive the billions in taxes that smoking brings in. It is a legal activity. It supports the government through tax subsidies. I am sick and tired of people deciding that violating the civil rights of smokers to engage in a legal activity is acceptable.

I for one will not stop smoking just cause the laws tell me that I can't smoke in my car with children, or we can't smoke in public places. I am ADDITED to smoking. It is a choice I man 16 years ago to make. By trying to force me to quit smoking will only piss me off (and I'm sure with aother additics). I'm sick of going into a nice place to eat and they serve beer there. HOw is it fair that they can serve beer to someone who is apperently going to get into their cars and possibably kill someone on their way home? It's not..Leave the freaking smokers along!! It is our choice and our right as an American. And if I'm forced (not sure about others) to quit it won't be good on me or my children. I am addited and what happens to people that have to go through substance abuse with's not pretty. I enjoy smoking, I enjoy my 5 minute time out outside, I enjoyed being the only one that got a 15 minute break at work b/c I was a smoker.

Yes, it's our choice to smoke, drinking alocohol and eat junk foods when we know they affect our health. It's freedom of choice.

You know what, I do drink alcohol sometimes and support the raising prices for cigarettes, alcohol and junk foods. Its about health protection itself, not me because I know my limit when I want to drink an alochol moderately.
Yes, it's our choice to smoke, drinking alocohol and eat junk foods when we know they affect our health. It's freedom of choice.

You know what, I do drink alcohol sometimes and support the raising prices for cigarettes, alcohol and junk foods. Its about health protection itself, not me because I know my limit when I want to drink an alochol moderately.

I wouldn't be upset if they would treat all the above the same. Smoking, drinking and junk foods are bad for us. If you are going to raise taxes on one thing that's bad raise them on all things. I wouldn't be soooo b**chy about it.
I guess you're not aware that smoking leads to lung cancer? And what if you develop lung cancer while your kids are still kids? And if chemotherapy doesn't help...then what? They'll lose their mother. Is that fair to your kids?

it's really not our business to make judgment and to tell people what they do with their health. I do know several people whose fathers/grandfathers chain-smoke (3+ packs a day) and they're still fine with no heart/lung disease. I don't know how but I guess their lungs/hearts are just bulletproof. I don't smoke or drink but I could die due to accident before my chain-smoker friend because of my hobby (I'm an adrenaline junkie). we all have tons of chemical inside us anyway... even jet fuel and traces of hundred of other pharmaceutical drugs (including experimental).

Live and Let Live, my friend! :cool2:
it's really not our business to make judgment and to tell people what they do with their health. I do know several people whose fathers/grandfathers chain-smoke (3+ packs a day) and they're still fine with no heart/lung disease. I don't know how but I guess their lungs/hearts are just bulletproof. I don't smoke or drink but I could die due to accident before my chain-smoker friend because of my hobby (I'm an adrenaline junkie). we all have tons of chemical inside us anyway... even jet fuel and traces of hundred of other pharmaceutical drugs (including experimental).

Live and Let Live, my friend! :cool2:

Thank You my good friend.
I'm very aware of the risks that comes about smoking. I am also aware of the danagers. I also believe that ANY smoker is aware of these risks and it does nothing but piss people off to be attacked because we have an addiction and we smoke. Speaking of smoking I think I need another cigarette. It's funny how more you want to smoke when people attack you because you smoke..brb going to go kill myself slowly

What about your children?
About a Smoking...

One time I was in Louisville and saw that they have cheaper Marlboro down there at the Gas Station by our hotel motel, I thinks it was almost 3 buck and here in Michigan now is 5 buck and 25 cent and 55 cent up, gawd that's high.

Also remember cigarette has over 5,000 chemcial and I don't like it when people throw their butts on the ground, chemcial from cigarette released into the ground water, should we worry about drinking our water ?

I forgot to add that my sister has study informations on smoking, drugs and drinking that it makes you look old and older. My cousin and my sister are the same age, my sister never smoke, never did drugs and doesn't drink she looks very young, but my cousin has done smoking, drinking and drugs and she look alots older than my sister.

Have anyone watch Cable TV Discovery Health (DR.G in the morgue room ?), I reads her book, oh boy it's not good after she tried to find out how people die and she mentioned smoking, drugs and drinking is what killing people. Her book called How Not to Die, very interesting.

Check this out:

Forensic Science : Medical Examiner Dr. G : Discovery Health