CID Reunion

Boult said:
nope, I haven't been to CID since 1973 so I don't know which one is "Dorm" after they started having more than 1 buildings. *shrug* but I have gotten newsletters, annual reports etc from CID sent to my mailing address over the years so I have seen the new constructions they spoke of via brochures and website back then.

see this url:'s/CID%20Const%20Oct%207%201999%20Photos.html

where it says "old and oldest" I remember "old" but I don't recall "oldest" maybe I didn't pay attention to that building when my mom and I visited. I would know the "oldest" cuz of sign on the wall and playground on the roof and gym etc.

enjoy the rest of the construction photo pages :D It is interesting to see that it has gone thru transformation from small campus to huge campus!
Oh yeah, that roof brings me some crazy memories!! I always wanted to play up there during the rainy days. HA!
VamPyroX said:
I was just a little kid... under the age of 5. I was also a very curly blonde. Heh!
Interesting... there were many little boys with curly blonde at these times I were there. Lemme find you. :giggle:
For sure, I am not going. :( Makes me sad because I was looking forward to seeing my old friends again. :tears:

But anyways, I was browsing the net about my school and found some pictures. Check them out:


This is the school I went. Looks pretty much the same before the remodel.


New school addition to behind old school. Looks huge, huh?


This is the dorm I slept in during my "middle" and "upper" years.

They are from CIDAA's website.